March 15th? Really?

So the opening of Spider-Man: Turn off the Dark has now been pushed back to March 15th.

Now: I get that they’re still working on fixing the story and songs. For that matter, if you compare it to a musical’s typical development time–considering that ordinary musicals have extensive out-of-town tryouts where such changes are usually made so that it arrives in NYC pretty much locked–it really amounts to about the same amount of time. Instead of starting in LA, moving to Chicago, then Boston and finally NY, all the repairs are happening right here.

I get all that. With that said:

They’re opening it on the Ides of March?

Great idea. What could POSSIBLY go wrong on the Ides of March?


Image Concerns

digresssmlOriginally published August 19, 1994, in Comics Buyer’s Guide #1083

In an earlier column, I pointed out that Marvel Comics was suffering from a major perception problem. That, to an extent, it didn’t matter what its motivations for certain actions were. Credibility was being damaged due to the public perception.

It has since been pointed out to me that I have the same situation in regards to Image.