March 15th? Really?

So the opening of Spider-Man: Turn off the Dark has now been pushed back to March 15th.

Now: I get that they’re still working on fixing the story and songs. For that matter, if you compare it to a musical’s typical development time–considering that ordinary musicals have extensive out-of-town tryouts where such changes are usually made so that it arrives in NYC pretty much locked–it really amounts to about the same amount of time. Instead of starting in LA, moving to Chicago, then Boston and finally NY, all the repairs are happening right here.

I get all that. With that said:

They’re opening it on the Ides of March?

Great idea. What could POSSIBLY go wrong on the Ides of March?


20 comments on “March 15th? Really?

  1. And now there’s a new show-stopping musical number consisting of the entire cast singing nothing but the word “Macbeth” over and over again.

      1. Sasha’s a guy? I thought Sasha was a female. Hold on, lemme check google…
        Ðámņ. A male AND female name. Those make me crazy.
        I still remember when Tony Isabella thought it was funny that I had two first names, and even offered me the use of his last name so I would have one. To which I pointed out that Isabella was, in fact, also a first name. And that at least my surname matched up with the name of a famous king instead of a famous queen. That shut him up pretty quick.

      2. Especially if the number feature the rhythmic opening of umbrellas, a peacock-feather fan dance, and the entire company dressed in nothing but blue.

      3. Especially if the number feature the rhythmic opening of umbrellas, a peacock-feather fan dance, and the entire company dressed in nothing but blue.
        Actually, that’s the first act closing number for “Mary Poppins.”

      4. Sasha’s a guy? I thought Sasha was a female.

        I guess you don’t remember my contribution to POTATO MOON being attributed to David “Sasha” Tumarkin. But then again, I can understand why you would blot out any information arising from POTATO MOON altogether.

        Ðámņ. A male AND female name. Those make me crazy.

        Yep. Just like Alex (which, BTW, is what Sasha translates to).

      5. Actually, that’s the first act closing number for “Mary Poppins.”

        Oh yeah, like a superstition is really going to have a chance against the power of the Disney Empire.

      6. Reminds me of Groucho’s famous postscript to Ðìçk Cavett: Did you ever notice that Peter O’Toole has a double-phallic name?

      7. Especially if the number feature the rhythmic opening of umbrellas, a peacock-feather fan dance, and the entire company dressed in nothing but blue.
        They tried that once on television, but unfortunately the entire company just seemed completely invisible.

  2. There isn’t by any chance another villain being introduced called The Stabber, is there?

    1. No, but the Counter-Earth version of Reed Richards will be making an appearance for some reason.

  3. Well if I lived in the New York area it would be cool for me. My birthday is the day before. I thought the 14th was the Ides of march and Pi day.

    Question, when does the CD come out? Is it out already?

  4. On a related note, my sister and her family (they helped in a photo shoot for the Spider-Man Vault book, their son is a HUGE Spider-man fan) FINALLY got to see the show this afternoon after a delay or two.

    I didn’t get a full review but her first text message said simply, “OMG F’IN AWESOME!!”. Her second text said “No glitches…music awesome..special effects…incredible…flying scenes…soooo cool!”

    I’m jealous!

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