Fine, God. You Win.

We’re all officially impressed.  You’re the Top Man, the Big Kahuna.  We get it.  You’ve proven your point.

Now enough with the snow already.


42 comments on “Fine, God. You Win.

  1. My entire family refers to snow as God’s dandruff.

    The guy REALLY needs better shampoo, especially if he’s supposed to stand head and shoulders above us.

    1. This post, in conjunction of Challenger’s 25th anniversary, reminded me of all the gallow’s humor jokes about the disaster.
      Q: How do we know the astronauts had dandruff?
      A: They found their head and shoulders on teh beach.
      Too soon?

      1. That used to be a Vic Morrow joke.
        Those things are tasteless but I always figured one should take them in the gallows spirit intended–the very human need to say F.U. to death.
        Death, of course, merely chuckles and waits patiently for a comeback. Which it always gets.

  2. Maybe we need to offer up sacrifices?

    Deal with God. You give us warm weather and we’ll grill meat outside!

  3. Over here in Rochester, NY, it’s been pretty mild as snow goes. I know it’s still early but if we can make it through February and March and avoid an April Ice Storm this year, we’re doing okay.

    1. What are you talking about? I live in Rochester too, 10 minutes away from the city center and we’ve had a horrible winter so far. Lots of snow and no place to put it as well as definate low temps.

      Now I’ve experiences worse winter storms…but overall this winter takes the cake.

    2. As a Metro Detroit resident, we’re used to having cold, blizzardy winters.

      Thank you Eastern Seaboard and the south. We’ve had a cold but extremely snow-light winter this year…

  4. 14 inches between 7:00 PM last night when I left for work and 8:30 AM this morning when I got home. Now, I like snow. I really do. I think, though, that snow wants to have a deeper relationship with me than I can give, you know, being married to the Pretty and all.

  5. PAD, I know you were making a joke, but you’ve really scared me with this one. I’m honestly surprised that the usual religious right suspects haven’t already been pulling the “God is punishing us for our sins” routine. (OTOH, maybe they save that routine for bigger disasters, like hurricanes, where the bulk of their base tend to live.)

    1. I doubt that even the religious right would declare heavy snow to be proof of God’s wrath. However I suspect there will be plenty of people asserting this is proof that global warming is a hoax, since they can’t distinguish between “weather” and “climate.”

      1. Well, I know one data point does not a curve make, but…
        – The Northeast is being hit by one blizzard after another, even more so than usual.
        – The Northwest is wetter and warmer than normal – plenty of rain, but only a couple of days of snow so far.
        – The capital of the Canadian province of Nunavut had to cancel their annual Christmas snowmobile parade, due to a lack of snow.
        – After years of drought, Australia is suffering under what seems to be at least a couple of years’ worth of rain all at once.
        – And let’s not forget last summer, with the massive heat wave in Moscow, and the wildfires in Greece…
        I don’t know about y’all, but it looks to me kind of like something is going funny with the climate on this planet.

      2. Yeah, the climate is indeed going completely wonky. Unfortunately, the anti-intellectuals have latched onto the term “global warming” from the 90s, as opposed to the more accurate “global climate change” of the 21st century, and they refuse to let it go. It’s called global WARMING. But it’s still cold. Thus, scientists are liars. It’s the same cause-effect logical fallacy as the “comics make kids evil” argument discussed last week. They seem to live for that crap.

      3. It doesn’t help that we have, on record, a number of global warming proponents claiming that snow would be a rare and exciting event:
        The global warming pundits oversold it to get people worked up. That works but it can also bite you in the ášš when the predictions of Imminent Doom don’t come true. And given the fact that there seems to be a real disconnect between what we are told we need to do and what the global warming pundits actually do–fly jet planes to fancy conferences to make it illegal for the rest of us to use light bulbs that don’t require a 3 page PDF file to describe how to clean them up without mercury contamination–you can’t blame people for beginning to wonder if this was not all one big scam.
        Which is too bad, since global warming is a real problem, despite to terrible job some have done selling it to the public.

      4. Some of us actually *like* the snow, and would never consider it a punishment. Even after last winter’s “snowmageddon” in the DC area, I see a forecast for more snow and say “bring it on…” Ice, on the other hand…

  6. I know this is needlessly cruel and will probably result in a week-long blizzard being thrust upon us for invoking his vengeful wrath, but we’re having a remarkably mild winter where I’m at.

    You guys seem to be getting everything we normally would.

    Who says Obama hasn’t changed anything?

  7. Wow, Jason, I respectfully disagree. I actually live in Greece near the Greece Ridge Mall and I’ve only had to shovel the driveway maybe two days so far? Sure, there is snow on the ground and we’ve definitely had some snowfall but the weather has delayed my morning commute on maybe those two days I mentioned and that’s about it. I work in the city and have had no weather related problems getting home (again, aside from those two exceptions). Those insane low temps everyone was worried about earlier this week? There was no wind in my area so it wasn’t a big deal if you had gloves on. Just yesterday it was like 32 degrees and it felt like summer. To put it another way…I know bad Rochester Winters. I’ve lived through bad Rochester Winters. This…this is not a bad Rochester Winter.

    In all seriousness, I honestly think this has been really mild compared to other years where you can literally lose count of how many cars are spun out on the side of the expressway on any given winter morning. Yes, we’ve gotten the snowfall (75.9 inches as of today) but it hasn’t affected my life in any meaningful way like most of our other winters.

    Maybe I’m just finally used to the dámņ stuff!

    1. I am in Rochester as well and I would say it has been not bad, but not mild. We have somehow avoided almost all the major storms that have hit the east coast repeatedly, but there has been snow nearly every day since the end of November with a couple decent storms.

      I have seen a lot worse and I think we have been pretty lucky all things considered. I have also seen a lot milder. And of course part of the difference of perspective might be explained by so much of our snow this year being almost pure lake effect. I have seen 5 inches on Lake Ave at the same time there is 1 inch at Marketplace Mall. And there was plenty of wind in my area during those below 0 temps…

  8. There’s still tomorrow, Saturday and Tuesday, according to the five-day forecast, Peter, so hopefully God will receive, file and implement your request by Wednesday.

  9. The thing that gets me is that we seem to have a snow storm every time I want to go somewhere that isn’t work or class. For some reason, Mother Nature wants me to stay in the house.

  10. .
    You sure it’s God and not maybe the Winter Wizard or the Cold Miser?
    I’m actually kinda bummed by all of this. We got about an inch and it melted by 9AM the next day.

  11. Until I read the last sentence I had no idea what you might be referring to. It was well over 60 degrees here today, and it’s been a pretty warm Winter overall. (We have had some extremely cold days, and two mild snowfalls so far, but we’ve had more warm days than cold.)
    You should move to Oklahoma. (In addition to warmer weather, you’d also have easy access to Asgard, which could really come in handy if you want to get the details right about Hrimhari, or about Hela if she comes back.)

      1. Yep, it’s really bad here. But at least it’s sunny today. Maybe it’ll start evaporating.

  12. I know what you mean. Here in SoCal we had unbearable sunshine and 75-degree weather, and I’m thinking, Enough, this is supposed to be winter! So I know exactly what you’re going through.

    1. Aww…I was getting there. Yeah, 83 and sunny today. Kids played in the park. Passed up a nice sweater as unnecessary. But seriously, this is messing with the ecosystem out here, too. This keeps up, and the fires should be something to see, come May…

    2. Yes, but … you have the earthquakes and the plagues of locusts due any time now.
      (Hey, I lived in SoCal for eleven years; I’m allowed to say that.)

      1. And the worst diaster of all, Hollywood and spoiled stars and starlets with the accompanying papparazzi…

    3. Yeah, well, at least we have weather predictions and, beneath the snow, solid ground that won’t start shaking violently and then rip open with no warning, so…

    4. Wasn’t there a ton of rain causing a lot of flooding recently in LA as well? Does all that sunshine cause memory loss? 😉

  13. I went to Target at lunch today and as I was leaving the store it started snowing again. I saw a woman get out of her car, look up at the sky, and yell, “Enough already!”
    I think we’re all losing it.

  14. Oh, stop complaining Peter,

    We’ve had more snow here in Utah, than the last few winters. And we’re the ones who don’t hold up our hands in defeat that there’s REAL Divine power.

    1. Maybe God’s pìššëd øff with you because Utah is such a staunch advocate of denying gay rights and hasn’t voted for a Democrat for president in forty-five years.
      Just a thought.

  15. Well, PAD, in true monkey’s-paw fashion, you sort of got your wish. Not much snow this time around — just lots and lots of ice, making the roads even more dangerous.
    If I believed in God, I’d think that someone up there was having a really good “fooooooled you!” laugh at your expense right now.

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