If you happen to be at home right now, or can set your DVR from work

The SyFy channel is doing another “Green Hornet” marathon from now through to 6 PM.

UPDATE:Apparently they will be doing another marathon on Wednesday, February 9th. So nobody gets to say I didn’t give them enough warning this time.

2ND UPDATE: As I’ve been watching the marathon today, they keep advertising a made for Syfy film called “Mega Python vs. Gatoroid.” And every time I look at the logo, it reads to me as “Monty Python vs. Gatorade.” I swear, if that’s what it was actually called, I’d watch.


20 comments on “If you happen to be at home right now, or can set your DVR from work

  1. On a slightly related side, here’s a clip from the wonderful MODERN FAMILY where Phil and Claire see an artsy French film, to impress the parents of the smartest kid in their son’s class: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYwrhuZVxjY

    What struck me is that the name of the schlock film they want to see sounds *exactly* like a SyFy Channel original movie. I suppose it’s only a matter of time…

  2. I’m just trying to figure out what would happen in “Monty Python vs. Gatorade.” I got nothin’.

    1. Mr. Creosote, Jr. vows revenge on the company that produces the wafer-thin mint that killed his father, engaging in devastating hit-and-run attacks against their assets using the resources and crew of the Crimson Permanent Assurance. The company responds by sending after him a scientist metamorphed into a superhuman after drinking an irradiated experimental sports drink and his sidekick, Bicycle Repair Man.

      1. Nice. Very, VERY nice. If we can find room for the tennis-playing blancmanges as well, I think we’ve got a winner here.

    1. I was going to say this! Normally, I stay away from SyFy movies like the plague… but in this case, I’ll make an exception.

      For the record, Debbie Gibson FTW.

    2. That might have been hot, 15 or 20 years ago. Now it’s just one step short of Fox bringing back their Celebrity Boxing special.

  3. I’ve already seen “Boa Vs. Python,” and given the way that it ended, I have to wonder if this has anything to do with it. Perhaps I will see when it comes to DVD.

  4. I watched MEGA PYTHON VS. GATOROID. On the plus side, I got to review it http://thearmchaircritic.blogspot.com/2011/01/mega-python-vs-gatoroid.html On the minus side, that was the only plus. Wow, was that painful. And who’d have guessed a catfight/food fight between two celebs who did pictorials for PLAYBOY could be so unappealing?

    I was also very surprised to see Kathryn Joosten (best known for Mrs. Landingham on THE WEST WING) in this movie. I hate to think how rough it must be in Hollywood if she has to do schlock like this. Then again, she didn’t get to shoot the head off of a giant snake on THE WEST WING. Unless I missed that episode…

    1. If I’d realized Kathryn Joosten was in it, I might well have tuned in. Mrs. Landingham versus a giant snake? Snake’s going down.

      1. I was channel surfing and caught about fifteen minutes of Mega Python et al. Disappointingly, neither Debbie Gibson or Tiffany play a python or a gator. However, on the plus side, Tiffany did get swallowed whole by a giant gator. I wonder if she did her own stunts? 🙂

        A Martinez was also in it. I think he had better material on the soaps.

        Alas, I missed the food fight.

      2. I won’t give away any spoilers, in case you catch it during one of Syfy’s very frequent Mega Monster Marathons. Joosten plays a police officer/park ranger (I wasn’t quite sure which: They’re dressed like park rangers, but seem to have more authority) and so she was packin’ heat. Then again, at a formal outside dinner, when the giant snakes and gators attack (yes, they join forces), someone yells for everyone with a gun to shoot — and *every* person pulls out a weapon and starts firing!

        If you *do* want a spoiler so you don’t have to sit through this whole awful movie, I’m happy to share. If you opt for sitting through it, the “F” that it got from me wasn’t for “fantastic.” You have been warned.

        (Incidentally, on reflection I realize that a “gatotoid” is a gator on steroids. That doesn’t make the movie the slightest bit better.)

      3. Disappointingly, neither Debbie Gibson or Tiffany play a python or a gator. However, on the plus side, Tiffany did get swallowed whole by a giant gator. I wonder if she did her own stunts?

        Supposedly, the two of them trained very hard to give their catfight verisimilitude, so very possibly. 🙂

  5. They’re doing another marathon. Somewhere Eric Idle is trying to negotiate with the Gatorade people for the movie.

    1. .
      And the next misreading of the original Saturday night beast war craptacular?
      -+- Gatorade Vs Horehound! -+-

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