Curse Those Activist Judges!

A federal judge in Florida has agreed with a federal judge in Virginia that Obamacare, passed into law by Congress, is unconstitutional.

Well, we all know just how angry the right wing talking heads get when it comes to activist judges endeavoring to countermand laws approved by the representatives of the people!

Go get ’em, Fox News!


Words and pictures

digresssmlOriginally published September 23, 1994, in Comics Buyer’s Guide #1088

It has been several years since “Name Withheld” crawled out from under his rock, announced anonymously in Oh So? that writers had outlived their usefulness in comics and that artists no longer had need of them, and then scuttled back away into darkness.

In more recent times, the artist behind said letter has been a bit more forthcoming about his authorship (although he has yet, to my knowledge, to explain his base cowardice in the matter). I don’t mention him by name because lately he’s been working overtime to provoke me into giving him publicity… apparently on the assumption that McFarlane was able to, so therefore he should be entitled, too.

I only mention him in order to set the stage for the advent for a soul mate. This newcomer is one John Kricfalusi, best known as the (eventually cast-out) creator of Ren and Stimpy.