Comic review: Our Cancer Year

digresssmlOriginally published November 4, 1994, in Comics Buyer’s Guide #1094

We lie to our children practically every day.

When they come to us, whispering their fears, afraid of shadows, afraid of the unknown, we cradle them in our arms, rock them lightly back and forth, and coo repeatedly, “Don’t worry. Everything is going to be OK.”

Except we, as adults, know that this simply isn’t so. Because sooner or later Bad Things are going to happen. Bad and unfair things will happen to you or your loved ones, ravaging your body and debilitating your spirit. During such times there is no guarantee that everything is going to be “OK,” unless you consider dying and being released from the agony of living “OK,” which is, at best, cold comfort.

I am put in mind of this because of two recent experiences.

The first is reading Our Cancer Year by Harvey Pekar and Joyce Brabner with art by Frank Stack.