It’s About Time

I’ve said for years that President Obama doesn’t really have a problem with gay marriage, and the recent announcement that he’s finally come to believe that the anti-gay marriage aspect of the DOMA is unconstitutional would seem to reinforce that. At the VERY least he’s acknowledging that marriage isn’t the business of government, which is what a president should be saying.

You might think that the GOP, always advocating the notion that government should be involved in fewer and fewer aspects of life and staying out of people’s business, would be the first ones to praise this declaration as an example of government acknowledging its limits.


A spokesman for House Speaker John Boehner said that “the president will have to explain why he thinks now is the appropriate time to stir up a controversial issue that sharply divides the nation,” particularly at a time when “Americans want Washington to focus on creating jobs and cutting spending.”

Well, let’s see. Not having government lawyers spending countless man hours in a pointless pursuit of marriage bias would seem to be saving some money. So basically Obama announced something that will hurt no one, cost nothing, and save money. As opposed to the GOP representatives who have shown little to no interest in creating jobs and are focusing on spending cuts that hurt lots of people while preserving the interests of big business and NASCAR.

Conservatives. Always good for laughs.