Now I Know Why Wisconsin Has the Whole Thing for Dairy Product

Because you see what’s going on there and you say, “Cheeeeeez.”

Passing a law that strips an entire union of its right to collectively bargain? What the hëll is up with that?

“We, the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union…”

There it is, right there. The spirit of combining power in order to gain collective strength and be able to protect mutual interests, right there in the preamble to the Constitution. We’ve got “United” in our country’s name, for God’s sake.

It’s appalling, and the only thing more repulsive than the GOP ramming this through is the fourteen Democrats who headed for the hills rather than stay and try to slug it out. I am so dámņ sick of Democrats rolling over when it comes to a fight. And this time it’s teachers who are paying for it.

Please tell me that a lawsuit’s going to result from this. For all I know, it’s a First Amendment issue. The Supreme Court has protected the rights of jáçkáššëš to fling insults at funerals and the rights of big business to try and influence elections. If talking is protected speech, and money is protected speech, how is talking about money NOT protected speech? We draw the line of free expression at teachers assembling and speaking with one voice saying, “This is what we want?” How is THAT fair?