I Think K’Daffy has been Replaced by an Imposter

You know how, when you watch “Mission Impossible” (the original series) there’s this absurd aspect to the rubber masks they would wear. That somehow they would pull on these rubber masks and then the camera would cut away and then cut back and magically the “mask” was an undetectable human face. And of course you knew they simply switched actors because in real life the “face” would just kind of hang there and look artificial.

Well, I’ve been looking at pictures of K’Daffy, and his face looks like a fake rubber mask.

Apparently the LIbyan government has been infiltrated by the IM force. Now I feel better about the end game: Phelps always knew what he was doing (I’m ignoring the movies which had the temerity to paint Jim Phelps has a traitor. No way.) This is going to end with the real K’Daffy coming to in the middle of a square somewhere in Libya, with angry people aiming guns at him from all directions, and in the distance an oversized van is going to be rolling away while familiar theme music plays.


Apparently X-Factor won a GLAAD award

Mike Weber informs me that X-Factor won a GLAAD media award for positive portrayal of lesbian and gay characters. The awards ceremony was last night in NY.

UPDATED March 21:: Have I mentioned how much I love automatic translation programs? Naturally I did a Google search to see how widespread reporting of the GLAAD awards was. This is from the AP wire service piece:

Nonelectronic media winners include The New York Times columnist Frank Rich and Peter David for his Marvel comic book “X-Factor.”

And this was from a web site in Hunan:

Nonelectronic media winners include The innovative York epoch contributor Frank Rich and Peter David intended for his Marvel comic tome X-Factor.


So How Does This End?

In Libya, I mean. When you’ve got an international effort going on and it’s the French who are leading the charge, then basically it’s Anything Can Happen Day.

Like they’d say in Texas (or some other state where they say such things) Gadhafi is like a turd that just won’t flush. But I don’t see the international community having the nerve to go in and oust him or charge him with war crimes. On the other hand, one of his own command saying, “Enough’s enough” and putting a bullet in his brain…that I could see.

UPDATED 6:53: And what the hëll is with the guy’s surname?! The New York Times has Qaddafi. The Daily News has Khadafy. This guy is like the Doctor Who of names: Every time you see it, it looks different. From now on, I’m just calling him K’Daffy.


Movie review: Star Trek Generations

digresssmlOriginally published December 23, 1994, in Comics Buyer’s Guide #1101

When Star Trek: The Motion Picture (quickly dubbed “The Motionless Picture”) opened, there was no escaping the fact that it was a Very Bad Movie. Yet many dedicated Trek fans seized on the positives (what few there were) and clung to the fact that it was, at least, Star Trek. That the franchise was being perpetuated, and that the voyages were still continuing.

And so it continues. We may have lost Star Trek the dream or Star Trek the creative vision, but, by God, at least Star Trek the franchise continues unabated. And some apologists and dedicated fans have returned in force, as fresh-faced and well-scrubbed as they were years ago, and they’ve sung the praises of Generations because they want it to be good. They want it to be good so much that it’s almost painful to watch them. I feel like I’m kicking a puppy dog or knocking the crutch out from under Tiny Tim when I am forced to sorrowfully conclude that Generations is, in fact, not a very good movie.