Sold a Novelet to F&SF

Entitled “Bronsky’s Dates With Death,” it’s the story of an elderly Jewish man who keeps talking so matter of factly about his impending demise that even Death doesn’t want to have anything to do with him.

I’ll give you an update once I know when it’s going to see print.


Back from Florida

First we went to Tampa, Florida to attend the Vulcan Events convention down in Florida. Great assortment of guests, and the fans were uniformly friendly and engaging. Sadly it was somewhat underattended, and I feel badly for the fans who didn’t make it there since–as the cliche goes–a good time was had by all.

After that we spent a few days in Orlando communing with the Mouse. We brought our plush Oswald the Lucky Rabbit with us and gave him a grand tour of the place. It could only be considered a triumphant homecoming because of all the Oswald fans–both tourists and Disney employees–who oohed and aahed over him. We’ll be putting up picture of his exploration of the parks over the next few days.