FYI: A press release from the International Association of Media Tie-In Writers

The International Association of Media Tie-in Writers is proud to announce the 2011 Scribe Award nominees for excellence in licensed tie-in writing — novels based on TV shows, movies, and games – and this year’s Grandmaster, honoring career achievement in the field.

This year’s Grandmaster is Peter David, who has worked in television, film, books (fiction, non-fiction and audio), short stories, and comic books. He’s the acclaimed author of over seventy novels, many of them New York Times bestsellers. His extraordinarily prolific output of consistently excellent books includes two dozen original Star Trek novels, three Babylon 5 novels and novelizations of such major motion pictures as Spider-Man, Iron Man, Fantastic Four, and The Hulk.

David is also one of the most successful and acclaimed comic book scripters in the business with popular runs on such titles as Supergirl, Star Trek, Wolverine and, in particular, his work on The Incredible Hulk franchise (in comics as well as books). His many awards include the prestigious Will Eisner Comic Industry Award. He lives in New York with his wife Kathleen and their four children.

30 comments on “FYI: A press release from the International Association of Media Tie-In Writers

  1. What – third person?
    Is that like the Royal “We” but even more stuck-up?
    (Yes, i know it’s a more or less direct quote from the press release.)

  2. I see my other comment is still in moderation hëll, but maybe someone read it…

    1. .
      Mike, what is that icon? On the small scale we have here it looks like an old man using his walking stick to beat up on a robot in the air.

      1. The full story (which i like to think of as “The Tragedy of Henmellyn”) begins here.
        If you haven’t encountered Pibgorn before, you may graciously thank me in a day or so when you complete your archive binge.

      2. …and the special Christmas sequence that introduced Pibgorn and her world and leads directly into the strip in my previous post is here

      3. …and one of my favourite comic panels ever (in which Geoff, Pib and Dru have been cast into a dream crafted from Geoff’s subconscious, but only Dru knows it) is here.

  3. Peter, is there any other online version of this press release, like at the IAMTW’s official site?


  4. With all the shows you have to attend, plus normal every day stuff…

    How the heck do you even find TIME to get all that writing in?!

    1. My guess is that Peter– like many writers– just takes incredibly long bathroom breaks and brings his laptop with him. I swear I saw Sir Solomon Rushdie do this coming out of a port-a-john at the National Book Festival once.

  5. Congratulations, PAD! It must feel especially good to get recognition from your peers.

  6. Congrats! Now you’re a certified, award-winning “hack!”
    (Who means that most insincerely, merely riffing on your discussion of tie-in writing from your second “Digressions” collection, which I proudly bought from your own hands…)
    (Who has a stack of Star Trek books about two feet tall… and that’s just the REFERENCE stuff.)

      1. Of course, now you will always have to be looking over your shoulder for when you will have to defend the title in a Freestyle Battle with Grandmaster Flash.

  7. That’s pretty cool, personally speaking I became a fan out of seeing the Giant Size Novel Vendetta in a bookstore when I was a teenager, which had the Borg in it so I got. Probably one of my first real exposure to tie-in materiel, and it turns out one of the best. I read that book so many times the spine fell off. That’s not an exaggeration, the spine / cover did literally fall off my copy of Vendetta. I had to glue it back on. True story.

    1. I had not seen that, no. Thanks for bringing that to my attention. I particularly liked the crabby fan demanding to know why “some ST:TNG book couple” had beaten out far worthier pairs.

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