Just When You Think You’ve Heard it All

By the time you’re raising your fourth child, you’d think that you’d be prepared for any question your child might toss at you.

Out of the blue today, Caroline–all of age eight–said, “Daddy? If a girl kicks a boy in the nuts, is that cliche or just awkward?”

I had no answer for that.


27 comments on “Just When You Think You’ve Heard it All

  1. .
    “Yes, it’s a cliche. This is awkward.
    My son already asks questions that are stranger than anything I was ready for and he’s only 3. When my daughter starts talking and asking questions as she gets older,I may go grey overnight.

  2. It’s cliche. Expecting him to wait around while you get the cheese grater, now that’s awkward.

  3. The very definition of comedy and tragedy.
    Comedy: Seeing someone get kicked in the nuts.
    Tragedy: Getting kicked in the nuts yourself.

  4. Wow. Just … wow.
    Katherine (age 6.5) asked recently, “Daddy, have you seen Mommy naked?”
    “More than 30 times?”
    Not sure where she came up with that number, but … yyyyyyyyeah. Interesting times.

      1. She tosses around the word “googolplex” without compunction, so I don’t think that’s it exactly. However, I think you’re right in general — she was searching for a Hottentot-like “many” and this is what she came up with.
        Doesn’t really matter anyway; it was hilarious no matter the reason. 🙂

  5. My five year old son, on the “Magical Express” bus from Orlando Airport to Disney World:
    “So, how did Walt Disney die? Did he get sick? Did all of his cells stop working?”
    Everyone on the bus was ever so pleased with that lovely prelude to their visit to the most magical place on earth…

  6. “Daddy? If a girl kicks a boy in the nuts, is that cliche or just awkward?”

    If done well, it’s humorous (like the ROBOT CHICKEN sketch “Ode to the Nut Shot”). If done for a cheap laugh (like the SCARY MOVIE flicks), it’s probably cliche.

    If done in real life, it’s reeeeeeeeeeally painful for the boy. (If you watch boxing, these are men who are wearing protective cups and are trained to endure massive punishment and keep going, but one low blow can stop them immediately and require a period of rest so they can recover. Now subtract the protective cup and physical endurance, and the result is never good.)

  7. Is it cliche or awkward that I’m hearing Sunrise, Sunset right now in my head?

  8. I think it depends on the circumstances. Often, it’s cliche, and I think it’s very often awkward as well. Maybe it’s just an awkward cliche.

  9. Yes, dear, it can be awkward, but only if he’s a lot taller or you’re wearing a skirt that makes it hard to get your knee high enough.

  10. “Daddy? If a girl kicks a boy in the nuts, is that cliche or just awkward?”
    It’s effective.

  11. “Depends… if there’s somebody taping it, it could be a million dollars from America’s Funniest Home Videos!”

  12. Sounds somewhat like she might be weighing her options. If so, someone could be bothering her and I’m sure you would give her the benefit of the doubt. I would tell her it’s cliche but it sure is effective. When in doubt go “old school on the kids nads.”

  13. I can’t help but wonder if she might be repeating that from some TV show. I used to steal all sorts of my “material” from the TV when I was a kid.

  14. As if you needed more proof that that kids’ mind is already able to go in intriguing directions. Maybe she’s thinking up another story!
    I actually read this line somewhere on the Internet (so it must be true) (sorry, that was too easy) and didn’t realize it was Caroline who said it. I *think* it got quoted on Twitter, but don’t hold me to that.

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