The Big 3-0

My eldest daughter, Shana, turns thirty today. Those of you who remember my carrying her around in an infant backpack at conventions can feel suitably old now.


Movie review: Dumb and Dumber

digresssmlOriginally published February 17, 1995, in Comics Buyer’s Guide #1109

I go to movies for any number of reasons—indeed, probably for the same reasons that you go.

Because it’s got someone in it I like.

Because the director or (in very rare instances) the writer is someone whose work I enjoy.

Because the subject matter is of interest.

Because the trailer looked good. (Here’s a general rule of thumb: If the trailer’s entertaining, you have a 50/50 shot at a good film. If the trailer’s lousy, you have almost zero chance of a worthwhile movie.)

Because it got good word of mouth.

Because someone I know is in it.

Because it’s there.

Because the kids wanted to see it.

Up until recently, that was pretty much all of them. But now I’ve got a brand new reason.

Social observation. Going to a film in order to watch, not the movie, but the audience reaction.

And it was because of the latter two reasons that I actually found myself at a local box office saying five words that I never thought I’d hear myself say:

“Two for Dumb and Dumber.”