More Advance Notices

My novelet, “Bronsky’s Dates With Death,” will be running in the July/August issue of The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction.”

Also, second reminder: My next episode of “Ben 10: Ultimate Alien” entitled “Prisoner 775 is Missing” airs this Friday, 7:30 PM ET.


Updated: I am told that the issue of F&SF has a street day of June 28th, although in some parts of the country it may be on sale a week earlier.

Second update: “Prisoner 775 is Missing” will repeat air on Saturday on Cartoon Network at 7 AM ET.

7 comments on “More Advance Notices

  1. …So, WHEN is that new episode again? I didn’t quite catch what you said the last two times. (ducks)

  2. The Magazine of Science Fiction & Fantasy comes out bi-monthly? Okay then, when should I look for it specifically, is there a date that it comes out or do I hit the magazine shop each Tuesday hoping it came out that particular week?

  3. PAD, I will make sure and pick up that issue of F&SF. Please continue to let us know when your stories appear in magazines/collections. It is easy to find your books, but not always so easy to find an individual story.

  4. Technically, 7:30 PM Eastern time this Friday is still EDT, not EST. I find it’s usually easier to avoid the whole mess and just say “ET” or “Eastern” instead of using the TLA.

    Can’t wait to watch the new ep with my 7yo, though, whatever time it comes on.

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