So the President Released his Birth Certificate

UPDATED Thursday, 1:23 PM: After seeing some of the nutbar reactions that the birth certificate has launched, I’ve come to believe that if Obama had been delivered via C-section, there are people who would declare that that makes him ineligible to be president because the Constitution says “natural born” and anything except a vaginal birth is not natural.

Not sure what the point was. Because I’m sure you can clock with an egg-timer how long you’ll see the following two talking points:

1) Why did he wait so long?

2) How do we know it’s not a forgery?

The people who think the whole birther thing is idiotic don’t require it to be convinced, those who are birthers, or just seize upon any pretense to get Obama out, will never be convinced. And conservatives who aren’t birthers but hate Obama and/or liberals will just claim that this is a non-issue that the liberal media has invented.


Updated 5:56 PM: Having now seen Obama’s actual press conference, I had two further thoughts.

First, I think Obama wanted to speak to broader issues but, as he said in his comments, just wanting to do that wouldn’t have gotten network attention. Discussing national security wouldn’t have gotten the networks to break in; the birth certificate, thanks to idiots like Trump and Fox, is news. Releasing his birth certificate had the same effect as the old gag of writing “SEX” at the top of fliers in high school and then below that, “Okay, now that we’ve got your attention, the AV club will be meeting on Tuesday.”

Second, it was evocative of the sequence in “The American President” toward the end when the president addresses non-issues like his girl friend and flag burning and talks about the need for serious people and serious discussions. Go to youtube if you don’t believe me.

American President