Glad I’m Not a Retailer

How do you order DC titles for September? Fifty two #1 issues as the entire line reboots. Do you order it with inflated numbers as a #1 suggests? Do you just order off your previous numbers? Except how do you factor in the possible impact of the simultaneous release of electronic editions? How much business is that going to siphon off? Decades ago, DC came up with the hardcover/softcover near-simultaneous release of some of their most popular titles and it was a spectacular failure. But at least the retailers themselves weren’t threatened.

Or perhaps we’re just being paranoid. I mean, bookstores as a whole are doing extremely well and aren’t closing right and left, so it’s not as if comic book stores need to worry about their bottom line, right? Right?

I take it back. I’m glad I’m not the DC sales rep who has to sell this concept TO the retailers.


Open Request to the Producers of “Castle”

Dear sirs:

Time to get serious. You’ve had a half dozen or so great in-joke winks to “Firefly” (including, most notably, the Halloween episode that had Nathan Fillion back in Mal’s outfit) but now it’s time to take it to the next level.

You need to start casting other actors from “Firefly” in “Castle.”

You need a new guy in charge of the squad room. Bring in Ron Glass. Hëll, call him “Harris” so we can have a “Barney Miller” connection as well. Alan Tudyk as a college buddy suspected of killing a friend with a bow and arrow (since he’s voicing Green Arrow in “Young justice”). Adam Baldwin as a homeless guy wearing that funky knit cap while eating a Subway sandwich. Jewel Staite as a mechanic. Morena Baccarin as a former love interest from another country seeking a green card because she’s (wait for it) an illegal alien. Gina Torres as an army sergeant. Sean Maher as a Doctor. Summer Glau as an actress whose shows keep getting canceled. And Mark Sheppard (who was the recurring character “Badger”) because apparently a law was passed dictating that Mark Sheppard has to show up at some point in every dámņëd TV show I watch regularly. “Doctor Who,” “Supernatural,” “Burn Notice,” “Warehouse 13,” “Leverage.” He’s all over the place.

Oh, and have Joss Whedon write and direct an episode. Because we need an episode with crackling, snappy and yet occasionally oddly phrased dialogue and at least one three minute walk-and-talk with no cutaways. Plus we’ll get a scene where Castle’s teenager daughter kicks ášš with a balletic form of kung fu.

Please get right on this. Thank you.


Morally Pure

digresssmlOriginally published May 12, 1995, in Comics Buyer’s Guide #1121

I sympathize with Mr. Sweet’s letter in CBG #1118, discussing how retailers will be the ones who are genuinely hurt by Marvel boycotts, whereas Marvel won’t feel a thing.

I say this not because Preston chose to use, as an example, The Incredible Hulk (although don’t think I don’t appreciate it). No, I say this for two reasons:

Stupid Instructions contest results, Part 3

digresssmlOriginally published May 5, 1995, in Comics Buyer’s Guide #1120

Well, this is the wrap-up for the “Stupid Instructions” contest. I did a dramatic reading of the second installment at I-Con in Long Island a few weeks back and people were sliding out of their chairs in hysterics. Maybe I should make a flexi-disk. It could have painfully detailed instructions on it ([1] place disk on turntable. [2] A turntable is that round thing on the phonograph. [3] A phonograph is that thing that predated eight-tracks…)

Blink and it’s Ten Years

I still remember the early evening on the day Kathleen and I got married, when we gathered with some friends in the hotel bar. One of the group looked at Kathleen, with her head on my shoulder while gazing at her wedding ring, and said, “You can tell she’s a new bride,” and Brandy Hauman piped up, “Yes, she’s still got that new bride smell.”

The only real, objective measure of this being Kath’s and my tenth wedding anniversary is the progress of our children.

Ten years ago Shana was in college, Gwen still a teenager, and Ariel a rambunctious nine year old. Now Shana’s off and married, Gwen is working in NYC, Ariel’s in college, and Caroline–who didn’t exist–was singing in her school concert today with the 2nd grade chorus.

The time itself has literally flown past. It doesn’t feel like we’ve been together ten years; it feels like we’ve always been together.

Plus she’s still got that new bride smell.


Drama Desk Awards

Ariel (on the right) and her friend Meg are attending the Drama Desk awards tonight since Meg won a pair of tickets in a contest. They’re attending the cocktail party, the red carpet arrival, the dinner, the awards themselves and the after parties. And they’re meeting interesting people such as this guy.


Movie review: Tank Girl

digresssmlOriginally published April 28, 1995, in Comics Buyer’s Guide #1119

We’re taking a break from the “Stupid Instructions” contest for one week in order to devote some column space to Tank Girl. Why? Because considering the pathetic box office performance thus far, it’s a bit of a race as to whether it will still be in theaters when this column comes out in two weeks. Hëll, by the time you read this, it might already be out on video tape.