So…Should Hillary be Flattered About This?

A Brooklyn based Hasidic newspaper Der Tzitung ran the now instantly recognizable photo of Obama et al in the Situation Room, waiting to hear about the success of Operation Geronimo, and somehow thought that deleting Hillary Clinton from the picture wouldn’t be noticed. Clinton (along with the director of counterterrorism Audrey Tomason) were photoshopped out of the picture because, according to the editors, they never run pictures of women. Why? Because pictures of women make men think about sex.

The Marvelution

digresssmlOriginally published March 31, 1995, in Comics Buyer’s Guide #1115

Chik… Chik… Chik… the sound of dominoes starting to fall…

I gotta tell you, it was loads of fun coming back from a two day think-session/retreat with Marvel editors and fellow creators, plotting out ways to put major focus on the launch of the Marvel “Edge” line in July. This will be, after all, our one and only shot at a major PR blitz for the “Edge” titles (of which Incredible Hulk is one.)

So imagine my joy upon coming home and learning that the odds were snowball-in-hëll likelihood that anyone in the industry would think of July as anything other than the month that Marvel embarked on self-distribution. Editorial content? A distant second to the concern over getting the books into the stores in the first place.

But then, what else would one expect from a Marvelution, if not revolting developments?