The Bin Laden Factor

Does anyone think for a moment that if Obama hadn’t overseen the operation that resulted in bin Laden sleeping with the fishes, Mike Huckabee would have pulled out of consideration for the 2012 election?

What does that say about Obama’s chances in the eyes of the GOP if their current polling frontrunner doesn’t want any part of the next presidential campaign?

As an aside, I saw another poll recently that indicated that Sarah Palin had a name recognition value of ninety-six percent. I’m sure the reason for this has to do with rounding off answers to a lower decimal value or something, but taken at face value, it indicates that pollsters were actually able to find four percent of Americans who, when the name “Sarah Palin” was mentioned, said, “Doesn’t ring a bell.” That’s pretty astounding.


Stupid Instructions contest results, Part 1

digresssmlOriginally published April 14, 1995, in Comics Buyer’s Guide #1117

Well, it’s that time. I know that all of you have been waiting with breathless anticipation. There’s been nothing else on your mind. But it is, finally, that time:

I’m ready to announce the results of the Stupid Instructions contest.