A Missed “Glee” Opportunity

In this week’s episode, the ever-scheming Sue concocted a plan where the New York City-bound “New Directions” would wind up on a plane that would dump them in Libya instead. Without giving away anything major (they’ve been promoting the hëll out of the NYC episode) let’s just say it doesn’t work out that way.

I think that’s a crying shame.

Would the plot machinations for them to be oblivious that their flight was heading to Tripoli instead of Manhattan been preposterous? Sure. But it would have been totally worth it to see the glee club wind up in the middle of a war zone. In an episode I call “Tripoli the Light Fantastic,” as bullets are being fired at them, they become nostalgic for the days when the worst thing thrown at them was slushees. And then, when they’re all against the wall and about to be shot, they start singing “We are the World” and suddenly Kadaffy shows up and says, “Are you guys a glee club? I love glee clubs! I’ve got quite a good voice, you know.” (Which allegedly he really does). And using the power of song, they manage to settle all the unrest. At which point the State Department shows up and is so impressed that they decide to send them to the Middle East to sort out all those problems. The name of that episode? “Jumping the Sheik.” (Which is, from what I understand, what they did in “Sex and the City II.”)

But no. They’re just going to NYC. Big deal.