If the World DOES End at 6 PM Today (UPDATED WITH POLL)

I hope it’s 6 PM Pacific Time. Because the Mets/Yankees game starts at 7:10 Eastern, and if the Rapture is at 9 PM Eastern, they could probably get five innings in so it would be an official game.

UPDATED at 7:32 PM: It appears a massive religious end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it has not transpired. This leaves us with the question: Who prevented it? Was it:

Buffy the Vampire Slayer?
Sam and Dean Winchester?
The Doctor?
Someone else and, if so, who?


UPDATE GH 5/23: There’s a real live poll up now on ComicMix’s Facebook page. Go vote.

Important Updates

Corey posted this in the comments, but I feel it’s important enough to make separate note of since it directly relates to work of mine that might be of interest:

New Release: Crusade: Other Voices Volume 2, which collects PAD’s script and outlines for his episode of Crusade, “Ruling from the Tomb.” Also features an introduction by PAD. Available for ordering from www.b5books.com.
J.K. Woodward has posted the cover art to PAD’s upcoming Crazy 8 Press novel The Camelot Papers.


“Blind Man’s Bluff”–Because you Demanded it

Well, one guy asked, actually, but okay. Here’s when you can discuss the latest and possibly last entry in the New Frontier series.

Why possibly last? Because the economy sucks, the publishing industry is slowly disintegrating, and rather than make long term plans, Pocket is making decisions entirely based upon what’s happening right now. So they’re waiting to see what the sales are on this book before deciding on whether there will be any more.