It’s 9 PM Pacific. Everybody Sing!

This is the world that doesn’t end
It just goes on and on my friend
Somebody started living here not knowing what it was
And they continue living here forever just because
This is the world that doesn’t end…


13 comments on “It’s 9 PM Pacific. Everybody Sing!

    1. Again?! Geez, and this is the second time in the last year or so I’ve had to find out a volcano here was erupting from an American source rather than local. Oh well, at least people can pronounce it this time. Guess the news will be more interesting this week. And here I thought after the post-Rapture letdown it would be a dull week – yay Grímsvötn to the rescue!

    2. If my bowels were farting and moving as often as the Earth’s have been doing in the last couple of years, I’d be very worried about my health. I’d suspect gastro-enteritis at best. Between Haiti, Iceland, New Zealand and Japan, it seems to me that our world is very sick.

  1. I am so tone deaf, if I sang the world *might* end just to stop the terrible sound. So I’ll do my part to keep this planet spinning and not sing.

  2. another apocalypse averted. Now to see if the Mayans got it right. At least their theory allows time to see the Avengers movie next summer.

    1. A cook I work with believes that one. What I keep wondering is when did we start listening to the Mayans about this stuff? Seriously. We haven’t given the Mayans any regard in centuries, but their calendar runs out and we start freaking out?

      1. Hey, I laugh even harder at the “Mayan Calendar is ending! We’re all gonna DIE!!” folks than at Camping’s, er, camp. The calendar is running out, so the world ends? You folks must be a hoot around December 31st every year…

  3. BTW, on some newscasts post-5/21 they show the Pastor’s followers walking around wearing t-shirts proclaiming that the world will end on 5/21, complete with a Biblical quote (but not the one about how no one but God knows when this will happen).

    I want one of those t-shirts. I want to wear it all the time. Heck, I want to wear it on the few occasions when I go to church.

    Time to check eBay…

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