Drama Desk Awards

Ariel (on the right) and her friend Meg are attending the Drama Desk awards tonight since Meg won a pair of tickets in a contest. They’re attending the cocktail party, the red carpet arrival, the dinner, the awards themselves and the after parties. And they’re meeting interesting people such as this guy.


8 comments on “Drama Desk Awards

  1. Very cool!

    So, was there any sort of, um, personality shock for Ariel when Jim Parsons was a normal person guy and didn’t act like Sheldon Cooper? I know it’s just a character he plays, but when you see him acting like that week after week, you kind of expect that all the time.

    1. Kath here,
      Ariel has been around actors since she was a baby as well as sets and studios. So she learned at a young age to separate the actor from the role.

      1. Good for her! While I like to think I’d be cool and rational when meeting someone like Mr. Parsons, I’m sure I’d accidentally call him “Sheldon” a few times; and it would probably take me a while to stop expecting a Sheldon-style rant or freak-out. ‘Tis awesome that Ariel has the experience and maturity to be beyond that.

  2. well I hope they had fun.

    Also, Peter, I picked up a copy of “Transformers III:: Dark of the Moon” recently. and I feel I must congratulate you on crafting such an humorous and thrilling addition to Transformers lore. keep up the good work. 🙂

  3. And they’re having their photo taken by one of THOSE guys who puts their finger over the lens.

    Don’t be that guy people, don’t be that guy.

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