Blink and it’s Ten Years

I still remember the early evening on the day Kathleen and I got married, when we gathered with some friends in the hotel bar. One of the group looked at Kathleen, with her head on my shoulder while gazing at her wedding ring, and said, “You can tell she’s a new bride,” and Brandy Hauman piped up, “Yes, she’s still got that new bride smell.”

The only real, objective measure of this being Kath’s and my tenth wedding anniversary is the progress of our children.

Ten years ago Shana was in college, Gwen still a teenager, and Ariel a rambunctious nine year old. Now Shana’s off and married, Gwen is working in NYC, Ariel’s in college, and Caroline–who didn’t exist–was singing in her school concert today with the 2nd grade chorus.

The time itself has literally flown past. It doesn’t feel like we’ve been together ten years; it feels like we’ve always been together.

Plus she’s still got that new bride smell.


42 comments on “Blink and it’s Ten Years

  1. PAD? I have a message from some guy calling himself “the Doctor”. He says, and I quote…
    “Don’t blink. Whatever you do, don’t blink. Blink, and you’re dead.”

    1. ÐÃMN you, Aaron. I was going to post almost exactly that, and you beat me to it.
      Ah, well, great minds and all that. Happy anniversary, Peter and Kath!

  2. Happy 10th anniversary to you both. You have a life together that many of us can only dream of and envy. I hope the coming years bring you both as much love, laughter and excitement as the first 10 years have brought. I wish you both all the best.

  3. Congrats!
    Since my own 10th is quickly approaching early next year as well, I try to not think about the whole ‘time flies’ stuff. After all, how the hëll we nearly into June of this year already!?

  4. Happy Anniversary! I’ll try and call you later on. But thinking of you!

  5. Time doesn’t “literally” fly past. Unless you’re on the Tardis, I suppose. And even then, you’re flying past the time, rather than the other way around…

  6. Never having been married, I have to ask: What does new bride smell like?

  7. Happy Anniversary! May the past ten years turn out to be the *least* wonderful of your many decades of married bliss.

  8. Wow, Shana got married? Congratulations to both her and you and Kathleen?
    And Ariel’s back from Boston? What’s she doing now, Peter?
    Congratulations to you two, Caroline on her chorus, and your entire family!
    Mazel tov!! Le Chaim!!!

  9. Congratulations!
    You should work that ‘new bride smell’ into a story sometime.

    1. “How much would it take to get you into this marriage right now?”
      [Note that I didn’t say “into this bride.” I have SOME standards, even when I keep them well hidden…]

  10. .
    Happy anniversary! And, yeah, it’s scary as hëll how fast it goes.

  11. Kudos! Here’s wishing you all the happiness in the world. (Not this world, mind you — I don’t want to give up all of my happiness — but some world.)

  12. Every once in a while, I have to tell Misty an old story because I forget that she hasn’t always been there.

  13. That’s longer than I’ve even managed to make a relationship last, let alone a marriage.


  14. Happy Anniversary! Congrats to the two of you. It is amazing how quickly time goes by.

  15. Wow, ten years! Congrats, Peter and Kath! And in five days my offspring turns ten. This was a good week ten years ago!
    (And no, Brian doesn’t still have that new baby smell….)

  16. A belated congratulations to both Kathleen and you PAD. As someone yet to tie the knot, it makes me feel good that two good people have found each other and continue to make eah other happy.
    Kind of gives the rest of us hope:)
    Congratulations again! may you enjoy each other for many more years to come!

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