Score One for the Good Spies

NBC has given a thirteen-episode pick up order for “Chuck.” I’d have been happier with a full twenty-two episode pick up, but I’ll take what I can get from the most consistently charming action/adventure series on television.

Although I still think they should’ve gotten Kate Jackson for Chuck’s mom. Still, I admit it is great seeing Linda Hamilton in action, plus I loved the little nudge/wink to T2 in the recent episode where her character killed time in a prison cell by doing chin-ups.


So…Should Hillary be Flattered About This?

A Brooklyn based Hasidic newspaper Der Tzitung ran the now instantly recognizable photo of Obama et al in the Situation Room, waiting to hear about the success of Operation Geronimo, and somehow thought that deleting Hillary Clinton from the picture wouldn’t be noticed. Clinton (along with the director of counterterrorism Audrey Tomason) were photoshopped out of the picture because, according to the editors, they never run pictures of women. Why? Because pictures of women make men think about sex.

The Marvelution

digresssmlOriginally published March 31, 1995, in Comics Buyer’s Guide #1115

Chik… Chik… Chik… the sound of dominoes starting to fall…

I gotta tell you, it was loads of fun coming back from a two day think-session/retreat with Marvel editors and fellow creators, plotting out ways to put major focus on the launch of the Marvel “Edge” line in July. This will be, after all, our one and only shot at a major PR blitz for the “Edge” titles (of which Incredible Hulk is one.)

So imagine my joy upon coming home and learning that the odds were snowball-in-hëll likelihood that anyone in the industry would think of July as anything other than the month that Marvel embarked on self-distribution. Editorial content? A distant second to the concern over getting the books into the stores in the first place.

But then, what else would one expect from a Marvelution, if not revolting developments?

He Wouldn’t…Stop…Crying…

I flew back on a redeye last Friday night from doing business in LA (working on another episode of “Young Justice”). I like redeyes. I can usually sleep on them, so the flight becomes effectively instantaneous and I don’t waste a whole day traveling.

On this particular flight, there was a mom with a a little boy, a little over a year old, seated directly behind me. He started crying from the moment they sat down.

And he didn’t…stop. Not through the opening announcements. Not through take off or travel. His voice penetrated my noise-killing earphones with ease.

He wasn’t in pain. He wasn’t hungry. He just didn’t want to sit still. At all. But the crew didn’t want him tearing up and down the aisle for obvious reasons.

And on the rare occasions when he did stop crying and I would start to drift asleep, he’d start kicking the back of my seat and wake me up. I didn’t say anything because I figured the mother had enough problems. And then at one point he stopped kicking my chair AND he was quiet, so I actually fell asleep. This lasted five minutes as I was violently awoken by the screaming match between the woman seated next to me and the boy’s mother because the kid had started kicking HER seatback and she chose not to take it in stride.

At the end of the flight, I gently suggested to the haggard mother the advantages of Children’s Dramamine before a lengthy night flight. She said wearily, “I tried it. It just made him MORE active.”

I shudder to think what THAT flight was like.

Feel free to use this space for your traveling horror stories.