The Greatest Adult Kids book ever

Samuel L. Jackson doing a reading of a book that has a title that just about every parent has, at some point, either thought or said aloud. I should note: Not safe for work…although I guess it depends where you work.

19 comments on “The Greatest Adult Kids book ever

  1. That.



    lol – thanks for sharing – I have to hit the Strand tomorrow and pick up a copy for myself & one for my friends with kids.

  2. Just heard this author interviewed this morning, I’m glad I got to hear this. He’s got a masterpiece on his hands.

    So funny ’cause it’s true.

  3. Read the NPR piece about this book Tuesday, and i loved the fact that more than one comment was from someone who said “It’s disgusting to think that anyone would publish a book like that for children!”

  4. Okay – this is just too good a piece of synchronicity to not pass on:

    Children’s author ejected from plane for bad language
    By Jonathan Allen/Reuters – Tue Jun 14, 9:53 am ET
    A New York children’s author who used a curse word in exasperation during a plane delay at a U.S. airport was ejected from the aircraft for disruptive behavior.
    Robert Sayegh, 37, said Atlantic Southeast Airlines overreacted to his salty language when it summoned police aboard to escort him off the Sunday evening flight at Detroit Metro Airport.
    “The f-word is not a nice word to use,” he acknowledged in a telephone interview, adding he was complaining to himself rather than snapping at anyone in particular.
    “I really didn’t think I was being that loud.”

    1. It’s lovely how they push you past the limits of reasonable patience and then penalize you for getting even mildly upset, isn’t it. Reminds me of school bullies.

    2. If you read just the headline and not the article, it creates an interesting mental picture. Pilot hears swearing, presses the Eject button for the corresponding seat. “That’s one swearing children’s book writer we won’t have to worry about again.”

  5. That was brilliant!

    Thanks for sharing – I’ve passed it on to my FB as well. 🙂

  6. Awesome; I’d already gotten the book for a friend with a 1-year-old, but the audio just makes the whole thing!

  7. I’ve been a fan of this book for a while now.

    Apparently, a PDF of it leaked onto the net and shot up interest and demand for the book, so much so in fact that it became Amazon’s number one seller and the publication date was moved up from October to Father’s Day.

    (Perhaps the only definitive example on record where IP piracy led to an increase in sales.)

  8. I have two young daughters that I love more than life itself, but I swear, there were times when I could have penned this book myself. Hey, we’re all human, and some nights were very, very long . . .

  9. I can’t wait for the follow-up books.
    Shut the F*** up or for the PC crowd, Could we use our F****** indoor voices children.
    Why didn’t you go to the F****** bathroom before we left?
    Stop hitting your F****** little brother. This title will flop because its not fair that the little brother is the F***** because his sibling is hitting him.
    You just F****** wait until your father gets the F*** home.

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