17 comments on “The second and third chapters of “Camelot Papers”

  1. The first one is always free. Well…in this case, the first, second and third.
    After that, though…

    1. Oddly, I can only find the second chapter. I clicked on the link that said chapters two and three, and only the one showed up.

      Did I do it wrong?

      1. Ditto.
        Click the “download Chapters 2 & 3 of The Camelot Papers” link and the 10-page document “CamelotPapers2ndChap.pdf” is downloaded.
        Or is the two page “Day the Third” chapter 2, and the six page “Day the Seventh” chapter 3?

      2. That was really due to a last minute change. Originally we were just going to put up the second chapter, but I decided that it was too short. So I asked Glenn to add the third chapter as well. I guess the pdf file name was never changed. Just as Sean notes, there’s “Day the Third” and “Day the Seventh.” That’s 2 and 3.

  2. Thanks, PAD. I misunderstood. Will this book be solicited through Diamond Comics?

    1. No reason for Diamond to solicit. What WOULD they solicit? The POD version? Who needs Diamond for that? I mean, yeah, the book won’t be available in comic shops, but few comic shops carry my books anyway.

  3. PAD,
    Unless I’ve misread something, it looks like only people who use Facebook can download chapters 2 and 3. What made you decide to go that route, instead of other social media (or just putting them on the website)?
    For that matter, what made you decide to offer more than just chapter one for free? I imagine it’s a bit of a balancing act determining how much of a preview to offer. I probably would have gone with just chapter one, myself.
    Also, have you decided what an ebook version would cost? My preference is still POD, but I’m curious if you’ve settled on an ebook price.
    At any rate, good luck with Crazy 8 Press.

    1. I honestly have no idea why the 2nd and 3rd chapters were attached to Facebook. It was a surprise to me as well. My assumption is that Glenn did it in order to try and increase the profile of C8 on Facebook.
      I opted to put 2 and 3 up because it fleshed out a bit more the general direction of the book, plus they were fairly short.
      As for the price, I’ve decided I’m going to start out the eBook at $4.99 as a special introductory price. Then in sixteen days (8 x 2) the price will go up to $5.99. The POD version will be $15.99.

  4. Very generous price, I think.

    My wife may have won a Kindle from work, still waiting on the results for whether I’ll be buying my first e-book from you, or opting for the POD. Excited either way!

  5. That is a great price for the eBook. I am looking forward to immediately ordering it as soon as it appears.

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