Comic Con, Day -1

Arrived at JFK and the line for the security check in was insane. Absolutely insane. Even the TSA people were saying to each other that they’d never seen anything like it.

I, of course, had: at Comic Con. Apparently JFK was a warm-up. Fortunately I got there early enough that I was able to make it through. Wound up standing in line with Jim Salicrup and we were able to make it through with minimum fuss.

The morning flight out to San Diego was overbooked and the afternoon was book solid. The gate attendants were saying, “What’s going on in San Diego?” Considering I recognized about half the people on the flight, and many who I didn’t recognize were wearing fannish shirts, I feel pretty confident in saying that the vast majority of people on the plane were SDCC bound.

Flight went without incident.

I found out that the UA theater at Horton Plaza is going to be running “Captain America” tomorrow. Got a ticket for the 12 Noon show since I don’t have any commitments to the convention until 4 PM.

Even after all this time, SDCC still needs to work on check-in. I was standing in line to pick up my membership badge, and both the people in front of me and behind me related how they were repeatedly sent to different lines by various convention volunteers, only to wind up being told that they were in the wrong place. They need to get that nailed down.

Spent three hours walking the convention floor. Bought a lot of cool stuff, none of which I’m going to describe because I want Kathleen, Caroline and Ariel to be surprised and it’s pretty much all for them.

Had dinner with Maggie Thompson and her daughter.

My feet are now sore and my right knee, the one with the osteoarthritis, is screaming at me. Need to get some sleep.


9 comments on “Comic Con, Day -1

  1. PAD, as a pro, do you get that same giddy, kid-like feeling us regular joes get when they come out with movies for these iconic characters?
    I get this feeling like, “A real-deal, full-fledged Captain America movie! And it actually looks like it might be really good!”
    I never thought I’d see the day, speaking as someone who grew up loving Gruenwald’s run (and was probably the only person who got the reference in Captain Marvel to “Captain America Goes To War Against Drugs” which I read in my pediatrician’s waiting room). I remember being puzzled as a kid upon hearing that there was going to be a Captain America movie and then never finding it at my local theater– my mother had to explain to me the concept of a movie being so lame that theaters wouldn’t waste their screens on it. Now, one of my childhood icons is making this huge international debut that I’ll be able share with everyone. It’s a great feeling. I wonder if you feel the same.

    1. I didn’t have high hopes for “Thor,” and liked it. I had high hopes for “Green Lantern” and was horribly let down. My hopes for “Captain America” haven’t been that high, so maybe I’ll enjoy it. But I’ve got a feeling the movie will, at best, score a decent second place on its opening weekend, as I don’t think “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2” is going to give up its place in the No. 1 position in only its second week.

  2. Even after all this time, SDCC still needs to work on check-in.
    If they haven’t been able to figure it out by now, it’s probably a lost cause.
    For as long as SDCC has been going, I am amazing by all the little things that they can’t get right. Even with the explosion in attendance in recent years, they’ve now had sufficient time to sort things out. Yet, it only seems to get worse.
    This was to be my biennial trip again this year, but I decided early on to pass. Mostly because the hotel rates were pretty bad for reserving a room outside what was blocked off by the convention. And I no longer want to use the convention’s Expedia-esque booking system, where you apparently now pray that you get a hotel you would actually want to stay at. Not to mention all the issues they had this year with said system.
    I hate crowds and the hassles and all, but for some reason I always enjoyed just being at the convention itself. So maybe I’ll try going again next year. 🙂

  3. I will definitely heading off for a Friday AM showing of Captain America. On a day that’s spposed to be creaaping towards 100 here in New Jersey, I can’t think of a better way to spend a couple of hours. I started reading Cap’s adventures in Tales of Suspense, although for my money, his best run was the Englehart/Sal Buscema issues. I couldn’t be more excited to be seeing what looks to be a pretty decent adaptation.
    Peter, did you ever think of using an ice pack on your leg for 10-15 minutes before you go to bed? It will bring down the inflammation a bit and help you sleep.

  4. Have fun out there!
    Maybe one day you can get around to writing a book about your life at cons, from fan to guest.
    I’d read it. Of course, if you have already written one, then please disregard my suggestion.
    As for Capt America the movie, I am a bit stoked about it as Cap has always been my favorite Avenger. From the previews it appears well made, but I am bit leery. The changes might put me off a bit. Either way, I’ll live with it and enjoy the movie.

  5. I’ll be seeing CAPTAIN AMERICA on Tuesday. While I’d enjoy seeing it sooner, matinees here (in NC) are $5 and I can’t catch one before work, so I’ll be seeing an early show on my first day off.

    BTW, today the SyFy channel is showing the early Captain America movies, starting at 5:00. Sadly, these tend to work better as a demonstration of how far superhero movies have come than as entertaining in themselves. Still, if you want to see how Cap looked live originally, here he is!

  6. Having just lost my job recently, I may have to wait awhile to see CAPTAIN AMERICA. As well as the other movie I’ve been looking forward to, COWBOYS & ALIENS.
    Speaking of Cap, my favorite comics come from the sadly aborted Stern/Byrne run, collected as WAR AND REMEMBRANCE. And I do have that.

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