Comic Con, Day -1

Arrived at JFK and the line for the security check in was insane. Absolutely insane. Even the TSA people were saying to each other that they’d never seen anything like it.

I, of course, had: at Comic Con. Apparently JFK was a warm-up. Fortunately I got there early enough that I was able to make it through. Wound up standing in line with Jim Salicrup and we were able to make it through with minimum fuss.

My Schedule for the San Diego Convention

I’ll update it as time allows.

Thursday—4:00-5:00 signing, Marvel Booth #2329
Thursday—6:00-7:00, X-Men Gay/Lesbian panel, Room 32AB

Friday—10:00 – 11:30, the Black Panel, Room 5Ab
Friday—12:30-1:30, X-Men Panel, room 6DE
Friday—5-00-6:00, Media Tie-In Writers, room 4

Saturday—10:00-11:30, Activision panel, Room 5AB
Saturday—12:30-1:30, Marvel game panel, 6A
Saturday—3:00-4:00 PM, Activision signing
Saturday—5:00-6:00 PM, Signing Marvel Booth #2329

Sunday—2:00-3:00 PM, Marvel Booth #2329

Two Things That Made Me Laugh Recently

1) The announcement that the marriage of Superman and Lois Lane “never happened” as a result of the relaunch. Noooo, it’s not a reboot at all.

2) Every time you think Fox News can’t sink any lower into the realm of partisanship and inaccuracy, they surprise you. Fox News host Eric Bolling, on the Glenn Beck replacement show “The Five,” declared–in denying that George W. Bush was a relentless fear-monger–declared, “America was certainly safe between 2000 and 2008. I don’t remember any attacks on America soil during that period of time.” Best of all, no one else in the panel bothered to mention 9/11.