A Comic Crisis Flashpoint

digresssmlOriginally published August 11, 1995, in Comics Buyer’s Guide #1134

A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines. With consistency a great soul has simply nothing to do.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

One never knows what’s going to get reactions out of people.

I’ve written any number of annuals over the past years. One of them I wasn’t happy with at all. A couple I thought were OK. And a couple I was really pleased with.

Yet none of them received much of a reaction until recently.

Carmageddon? Seriously?

A section of the 405 in LA is being shut down for the weekend and the media is going bugnuts about it? Is that what we’ve come to?

Hey, LA–it’s the weekend. Stay home. How hard IS this?

If you have a job that’s on the weekend and you absolutely can’t take off, see if you can crash with a friend who’s within walking distance. You remember walking. Or maybe not. I once was in LA and walked from point A to point B, about two miles, and didn’t encounter a single other pedestrian.

Carmageddon. Christ. What’s next? Auto De Fe?


Movie review: Judge Dredd

digresssmlOriginally published August 4, 1995, in Comics Buyer’s Guide #1133

The streets of Mega-City One are ablaze with a citizen riot. The repressed lower class rails against a society where law and order no longer serves and protects, but oppresses and strangles.

Two peace officers—”Judges” by name and trade—are pinned down by overhead fire. They call for back-up as, high above, tattooed and snarling miscreants take aim with souped-up bazookas and shoot off more rounds.

And then the “back-up” arrives, in the form of a black-clad, helmeted engine of authority, astride chopper that makes the Batcycle look like a Big Wheel. He steps off the vehicle, surveys the situation. A microphone snaps into place and he bellows four words destined to go down in both movie and comics history:

I amduh law!