Crazy 8 is Up and Running

As of now, if you look at the sidebar under the cover for “The Camelot Papers,” you’ll see that you can order it off both Amazon and Nook by clicking on the link. We will also have the Print on Demand link up for you shortly, which is at the moment only available through, but will be available through Amazon by this time next week.

I’ve listened to your comments and endeavored to keep the price at what seems a reasonable level. I’ve decided the list price will be $5.99 for the eBook. But as a special offer, for the first sixteen days (8 x 2) I’ll be keeping it at $4.99. The POD will have a flat price of $15.99.

Also, a number of people have raised the question of being able to lend the eBook to others who have electronic readers. This seems to be something of a hot button issue. After giving it a good deal of thought, I’ve decided that it’s important to me to have an eBook be as similar to a regular book as possible. So you’ll note that the eBook has unlimited simultaneous device usage and that I’ve enabled the lending function. Obviously I want to sell as many copies as possible, but lending books one-to-one is a time honored tradition and I’m disinclined to deprive readers of that opportunity.

And just to make things interesting: if you ARE planning to buy it, particularly off Amazon, try to do so around 4 PM Eastern Time (1 PM Pacific) Friday. Why? To see if we can kick it up the sales charts. If we get off to a fast start, it can have long-term ramifications.

Okay, people…get Crazy.


UPDATE: For those of you reading this in RSS feeds, the links:

Read Free Previews! #1#2

Buy it now! KindleNookPaperback

Disney’s Pocahonta$

digresssmlOriginally published July 21, 1995, in Comics Buyer’s Guide #1131

I cannot recall the last time I was as impressed by something as I was with Disney’s Pocahontas.

I admit, I wasn’t entirely certain what to expect when I first embarked entered the world of Pocahontas. But I never expected to be faced with such a remarkable accomplishment. Disney has every right to be proud of itself, to pat itself on the back, to take a deep bow as flowers are thrown upon it and words of praise justly heaped.

I just HAD to open my big mouth

Since I posted, tentatively, that the Mets look like they’re turning things around, they have dropped three straight, their bats have gone cold, and Reyes pulled a hamstring.

This is all my fault.


UPDATED 7/3: A-HA! So I did a posting yesterday bemoaning how the Mets have reverted to form…and today they come back in the bottom of the ninth against just about the toughest closer in baseball and then win in the 10th. Okay, don’t tell me I’m not responsible. I cheer, they suck. I moan, they win. Maybe I shouldn’t say anything about them anymore.