
Can anyone tell me the owner of NY license plate 65232 JN commercial plate. Post here or email me at padguy@aol.com. Right now.


Kath got into a fender bender and the other party was being intransigent about providing information. But it’s all been sorted out since then.


Amazon knocked down the price on the trade paperback of “The Camelot Papers” to match the discount from Barnes & Noble.

Competition. I love it. Now if we could just get the sales rankings up to something I’d be satisfied with, like…number one.


David Family Practical Jokes

digresssmlOriginally published November 17, 1995, in Comics Buyer’s Guide #1148

And now, something completely different. Something completely silly. Something having zero to do with comics, but hey, sue me, it’s my column (despite the occasional letters we get taking us to task because of what this column is supposed to be, as if there was a mandate that I was blowing off.)

It’s time for:


Live Blogging the Storm

6:20 PM–Drizzle starting to fall pretty regularly. I bought a pump for the basement that I can employ if there’s flooding of more than an inch. Got the wrong sized hose and had to run back to the hardware store to get the right size, but now it’s all set to go. News is filled with various administration people saying that we should leave. Kind of late now; nowhere really to go. Next door neighbor and his wife have likewise remained to stay; they’re in their 70s. Still cleaning out office; how did I ACQUIRE this much crap? Living room looks like a bomb hit it because I’ve moved everything upstairs. Can’t remember saying, “Oh, THAT’S where that went” quite this many times. Getting terrific aerobic work out.

Final Reminder on “The Camelot Papers”

Aside from the limited edition uncorrected proofs, I will not have copies of “The Camelot Papers” for sale at Dragon*Con. So if you were planning to attend and wanted an autographed copy, now is the time to go online and get it. Just FYI, Barnes & Noble is apparently selling the trade paperback for $4 less than is Amazon. I don’t know how long that will last, so you may want to check it out.