I Wonder What Glenn Beck Will Say

When someone points out to him that a new video game later this year, “Spider-Man: Edge of Time” features a future Spider-Man who is ALSO half Latino. I wonder if he’ll try to hang that on either the Obamas or some evil liberal mindset. One can only guess what the reception to Miguel O’Hara would have been if guys like Beck had had the sorts of audiences they have now back in the early 90s.

You remember Miguel. The guy who had organic webshooters a decade before fans started screaming that organic webshooters in the then-upcoming movie version was the most stupid thing they’d ever heard of.


73 comments on “I Wonder What Glenn Beck Will Say

  1. .
    But… I thought you were an evil liberal. I know I’ve read that here or on some other blog at some point or another.

  2. Organic webshooters aren’t really stupid as much as they’re just kind of gross. I mean, he shoots silk out of holes in his wrists? Bleh. I’d expect that kind of weirdness out of the X-Men, but not Spider-Man.

  3. I doubt Glenn Beck understands the concept of multiple continuities in comics, so he’d just be confused.

    (And I always thought organic shooters made more sense than Parker inventing something that no one else has… overnight.)

  4. All I can say is that when Miguel debuted, there were literally NO complaints about the fact that he was half-Latino. All I heard was cheers from Latino fans while everyone else said, basically, “Sure, why not?”
    Same thing with the organic webshooters. I even anticipated the wise guys by having Miguel himself comment that at least he wasn’t shooting webbing out his ášš, so he should be grateful. Even the talons didn’t prompt complaint, aside from some people saying, “You finally found a way to make Spider-Man like Wolverine.”

    1. No surprise there. It’s not that the US have become more Conservative in the last 10-15 years. It’s just that the crazies and radicals in the Right used to be like the worms hidden under an unturned stone in your garden.
      Now the stone has been turned and all the madness in in broad daylight. Now it’s totally appropriate, even cool, to talk about the Rapture, or how white straight males are the persecuted minority.
      It’s interesting that there is a parallel with fanboys becoming more obsessive and whining and possessive of the characters. Maybe we should take a poll about the political inclinations of comic book fans.

    2. I myself thought the half-Irish thing was cool, too. I like having things in common with superheroes. And I still love the talons.

    3. At least for me, the fact that this was not a “replacement” Spider-Man but a completely separate character who happened to call himself Spider-Man made a big difference in how I (at the tender age of 16 or so) reacted to the character. With Miles, I am surprised at how much the “killing Peter–even Ultimate Peter–to make room for Miles” thing bothers me.
      The race thing, on the other hand, has never been an issue for me at all (for either character). I do remember thinking that Miguel didn’t “feel” very Latino to me, but as I haven’t read the series in at least five years, I can’t say for sure if I think that feeling has any basis in fact.
      As far as web-shooters/talons go, again, since it was a different character–and a completely different type of origin (total genetic imprint vs. radioactive Phlebotinum)–I was just interested in the different take. The ways they’ve fu–messed–with Peter’s powers over the years have just seemed like stunts to me, on the other hand. Sometimes they’re used well (Slott’s removal of the Spider Sense), and sometimes not (everything related to the Disassembled changes, which really seemed movie-motivated, for example).
      I’m just glad that Lyla lives on in the 24th century.

      1. I do remember thinking that Miguel didn’t “feel” very Latino to me, but as I haven’t read the series in at least five years, I can’t say for sure if I think that feeling has any basis in fact.
        And of course there’s the obvious question of, how does a Latino more than a century in the future feel?

    4. Peter,

      I think Eric nailed the problem I have with the Miles character. Miles has a lot more in common with Ben Reiley than with Miguel O’Hara or Pavitr Prabhakar. Miles and Ben are attempts to displace a character that didn’t need to go. Miguel and Pavitr don’t attempt to displace Peter.

      1. Yeah, but it’s Ultimate. It’s the place for trying new things. It’s been 11 years now that we’ve had Ultimate Peter Parker? That’s a lot longer than most alternate versions last anyway.

      2. @Rene – System not allowing me to reply directly. So bear with me.

        If USM was an actual reimaging of Spiderman as Miles and didn’t involve killing the title character (Which, no matter what others want to imagine, is Peter Parker.) then you might have a point. The Ultimate series of books has a history of sucessfully racebending/Minoritizing characters. (ex. Colossus, Nick Fury, Wasp) And an unsucessful history of creating disposible replacement characters. (ex. Black Widow II {Korean}, Daredevil II {White})

        So far, the only way to do a hand-off like this involves not killing the character immediately and using a long standing character as the fill in. (Ex. Ðìçk Grayson/Batman; Renee Montoya/Question; Bucky Barnes/Captian America; Green Arrow [Connor]/Green Arrow [Ollie])

        You can also do a dramatic change if it’s “known” that the original will return. (ex. Steel/Superman; Rhodey/Iron Man)

        It’s extremely rare for a “Kill hero for no reason/Replace him with random person that has some sort of hamhanded editorial edict behind him” story to work. It took a long time For Kyle Rayner to be accepted. Blue Beetle succeeded, Firestorm is iffy and don’t get me started on Ryan Choi.

      3. I know that replacement characters rarely work. But my point is that the Ultimate Universe has been all but defunct for the last few years. I don’t think Ultimate Spider-Man is a best seller.
        The SIZE of the outcry seems out of proportion for the replacement of a B-tier character. And that leads me to suspect that most people either are unaware that this isn’t the “official” Spider-Man or there are really racial/political/cultural motivations for the complaints.
        I hesitate to cry “racism”. I think the issue is more complex. Conservatives aren’t necessarily racist, sexist or homophobic, but they have little patience and little sensitivity for anything that smells of political correctness.

  5. .
    Actually, I’d love to see Glenn take a crack at the Marvel and DC Universes and their behind the scenes histories for an entire week’s worth of shows. The comedy gold would be just endless and the level of paranoia by the end of the week.
    Galactus was secretly supposed to be God to poison young minds against Christianity?
    Promoting false religions and declaring that false Gods are heroes?
    Those liberals trying to get children to associate the ideas of nobility, honor and heroism with the name Black Panther?

    Hëll, give that ášš enough time in a segment to really get so far off of Planet Reality and I’d be willing to bet money that he would claim that the Merry Marvel Marching Society has been subverted by Obama since he teamed up with Spider-Man and is now actually the 3rd platoon of Obama’s secret army.
    Everyone here remember those old commercials where they cracked and egg into a fry pan and told you that it was your brains on drugs? Beck is living proof of that.

    1. Actually, James Fry does a great routine about Galactus, envisioning Stan looking at the artwork and saying, “Who’s the big guy?” And Jack says, “Oh, that’s God.”
      “Yeah, that’s what the G on his costume stands for.”
      “But Jack, you want to have the FF fight God? You sure about this? How can they beat God?”
      “Oh, don’t sell ’em short, Stan. That Ben Grimm is a pretty tough customer.”
      “Okay, Jack, if you’re sure…uh…who’s the guy on the surfboard?”
      “That’s Frankie Avalon. The kids love Frankie Avalon.”
      “Sooo the FF are going to fight God and Frankie Avalon. Okay, Jack, I’ll…uh…I’ll try and make it work.”

      1. .
        Yeah, that’s where I basically got that one from. Thing is, that routine has been thrown around without being sourced so much in the internet age that I’ve actually met people who thought that that was basically a real story. Glenn knows that a portion of his audience is at least that stupid, so it’s absolutely the type of thing he would push.

      2. Yeah, that’s where I basically got that one from. Thing is, that routine has been thrown around without being sourced so much in the internet age that I’ve actually met people who thought that that was basically a real story.
        To the best of my knowledge, James was the one who came up with that gag. It’s just such a James thing to do. Fry is quite possibly the funniest guy in the whole of the comics industry.
        This is a guy who, when going through the “It’s a Small World” ride in Disneyworld, snapped about 3/4 of the way through from the song and tried to leap out of the boat and attack Japan.
        He’s the guy who came up with what was, to him, his dream Jeopardy category: “Alex, I’ll take ‘Things Only I Know’ for $2000.”
        He was also the artist on “The Blasters,” a demented one-shot I did for DC featuring Snapper Carr and a bunch of characters that I don’t think were ever seen again.

      3. .
        I still have my copy of Blasters. I loved that thing. Wasn’t sure that it would fly as a series, but I was hoping for a few minis out of it. Bummed me out for a while there that it never went anywhere.

      4. So the co-creator of Slapstick is a top contender for funniest guy in the comics industry? There’s a shock. (Lord, how I miss Slapstick before he became “edgy” and teen-angsty–one of the few things I didn’t like about “Avengers: The Initiative”.
        So what’s Mr. Fry up to these days?

    2. I only remember the one where they upped the ante with a then-unknown Rachael Leigh Cook smashing her way through the kitchen with the frying pan. For supposedly being one of the most effective anti-drug ads created, about the only reaction it got out of my then puberty-addled mind was “Man, that supposedly drugged out chick is hot!” 🙂

      1. Robert Loren Fleming used the Blasters in his run on Valor. They would have remained supporting cast had the book not been consumed by Zero Hour.

  6. Miles wants to follow in Spider Man’s footsteps and be a hero.

    So are some folks saying that only white people can dream of being Spider Man and no other should even dream of trying?

    (I mean, I get that some people don’t want to see Peter Parker go away in any sense…but I sorta thought that ship sailed months ago. If you give the assumption that Peter Parker dies and someone replaces him…why NOT someone who’s non-white? Why are folks trying to play the PC card when it’s really not appropriate here?)

    1. It seems the pro-white PC crowd is out in full force, if the reactions to other, similar situations in recent months are any hint of an indication.
      Some racists went nuts over the casting of Elba in Thor (I guess Asano as Hogun went right by them since he’s far more of a background character).
      Apparently the desire for more female creators, as well as original female characters, is simply feminism at work.
      But whitewashing The Last Airbender or Akira? Let’s not bat an eyelash at that and continue to act as if everybody gets a fair shake in Hollywood, ok?

      1. Casting Asano as Hogun wasn’t a problem because Hogun was actually supposed to be Asian. He was from some Mongol-like Asiatic tribe that was originally from outside Asgard. They just don’t bring it up much anymore.

      2. Thanks for the note on that, Adam. I’ve never really read Thor, so I didn’t know the history of that character and the name certainly sounds European enough.

      3. Hogun in the comics is sort of Mongolian, not Japanese though. Well, his look was based on Charles Bronson, who had Lithuanian heritage.
        None of the Warriors Three feels particularly Norse. Volstagg is Falstaff, and Fandral is Errol Flynn. So why not make Heimdall black? Marvel’s Asgard has always been anachronistic.

      4. Idris Elba OWNED every single scene he was in. I don’t recall the last time I saw a supporting character so dominate a movie.

      5. Marvel’s Asgard has always been anachronistic.
        Something which the racists ignored because they firmly believe Norse gods always have been and always will be white. The fact that Marvel has had some of these characters for decades means nothing to them.

  7. Miguel o’Hara was way worse than Miles Morales… Miguel was half Irish. Dirty, dirty Irish.

  8. As a comics purist and a science buff, I think organic web shooters — especially on the wrists — ARE a dumb idea. If he were a real character and an anatomically correct anthropomorphic being, Spider-Man’s spinneret most likely would have been located about where his belly button is — or perhaps even lower in the abdominal area. I think Ditko realized this, and since Parker was supposed to be a nerdy scientific genius, the mechanical wrist shooters made a helluva lot more sense. It also established a great precedent for Parker to think his way out of various future plot jams by using his strong scientific skills.

    1. As JC Cohen said before me, Peter was a high school student who was able to invent a very very strong adhesive that dissolved itself after a couple hours and a mean to shoot it with a device on his wrist. And was able to do so in a very short period of time.

      If you can accept that, why can’t you accept organic web shooters on wrists? Both are completely absurd. I bet you accept the former because that’s what you grew up with. If it was created the other way around, you opinion might differ.

      By the way, I MUCH prefer the mechanical shooters too. For Peter at least.

      1. If you can accept that, why can’t you accept organic web shooters on wrists? Both are completely absurd.
        Actually, I could accept the notion that Parker could invent the super strong adhesive and web shooters. What I then could NOT accept was that someone that brilliant would ever be at a loss for money. This kid’s working for 3M before he’s even out of college or making insane amounts of money on patents for things he’s invented.

      2. The brilliant high school student angle is not as absurd as you may think. My cousin, who eventually ended up with a PhD in solid state physics, was building his own computers at home, from the component level up, as a young teenager — and he was doing it at a time when no one in the general populace owned a home computer.

      3. Actually, you *really* need to apply the willing suspension of disbelief to the original Peter Parker-invented web-shooters. It’s not just that he invented an amazing adhesive (and, as PAD noted, was always poor. You think the police might be interested in an adhesive that could capture someone without injuring them?) or that the “web fluid” could create giant webs or very long strands from a cartridge apparently smaller than a wallet. It’s also that it can be shaped into numerous forms(strands for web-traveling across town, large webs between two items to capture something, a parachute for a safe landing; a hemisphere “shell” for protection) with little manipulation and even while in mid-swing. It’s also apparently only sticky on one side, as when used to help people (like a net, catching falling folks) they hop right off, instead of being stuck there for an hour.

        (I’ve also wondered why the webbing is supposedly strong enough to stop/slow down the Hulk, yet it’s apparently not strong enough to stop the Lizard, Doc Ock, the Rhino, etc. I guess having Spidey simply web them would make the issues end too quickly.)

      4. Regarding the money angle, there are plenty of geniuses in all fields who created/invented some amazing things, yet died with modest incomes or were downright destitute. In comics, I can think of about a dozen off the top of my head.

      5. Peter Parker having organic web in the movie is obviously a ploy by Commie Liberal Hollywood Elitists that don’t believe a white kid can be a genius.

      6. As a kid, I always thought Peter should have had organic webshooters. The 2 most defining features of a spider to me were the 8 legs and the ability to make webs – yet Spiderman didn’t have either (on a permanent basis at least.)

      7. In one of the animated cartoon series — an adaptation of “The Kid Who Collected Spider-man” I think — Peter told the kid that he thought that maybe the irradiated spider somehow transferred it’s knowledge of web-making to him.
        I also vaguely recall — which could easily mean that it came to me in a dream — that one of the reasons that Peter Parker never patented his web fluid was that he did not want a paper trail between him and Spider-man. Also, he didn’t want to give enemies a blueprint to his fluid so they could circumvent it.
        On another point — Peter now *is* using his science knowledge to gain a good job and salary.

    2. The appeal of spider-man, at least to me, was never the costume, the web-shooters or any of that, it was always the guy underneath the mask. Peter Parker, Miguel O’Hara and now Miles Morales all make connections to the reader first by being relatable, and we see some aspect of ourselves in them.

  9. To roundup the threads of the last week:
    We didn’t default and got a debt deal done… and economists quickly pointed out that the debt deal was bad, the stock market still šhìŧ the bed, and it was just announced that the S&P has downgraded the US debt anyways. So much for any deal being a good thing.
    Bachmann and Beck are still crazy. And there are rumblings that Texas Gov. Perry, another Bible thumper, may run for the Republican nomination. I’m sure Palin will be along shortly to get herself back in the spotlight, too.
    And Fox News apparently misses having Glenn Beck say controversial stuff on their behalf, because they keep on rollin’ along with their own nonsense. The headline referring to Obama’s birthday party as “Obama’s Hip-Hop BBQ Didn’t Create Jobs” doesn’t really come close to the level of lunacy that Beck could provide, but it does sound like something from The Onion.

  10. What about the Non-Spider, half-Irish, half-Latino hero Kyle Rayner, I don’t think in #150 when he FINALLLLLY met his dad and his dad said he was really Mexican there people who batted an eye. (I actually think they thought Bob Schreck was a better editor by allowing the meeting to take place, since I don’t think Dooley would have ever let Ron Marz do it.)

  11. “As JC Cohen said before me, Peter was a high school student who was able to invent a very very strong adhesive that dissolved itself after a couple hours and a mean to shoot it with a device on his wrist. And was able to do so in a very short period of time.”

    I can’t remember which comic it was – or if it was even in a comic (it might just be a latterday fan theory) – but anyway, there was this idea that, science genius as he was, Peter’s ability to invent his webshooters was a mental spider-ability, i.e. part of having the proportionate strength and agility of a spider was having the knowledge to create webbing. Maybe it was 50/50, half Peter’s own genius, half effect of spider-bite.

    As for the Miles Morales thing… Jon Stewart had a bit where he implied that Lou Dobbs seemingly isn’t aware of the difference between the Ultimate and mainstream Marvel universes. Actually, it reminds me of the media controversy over “the death of Robin,” which probably wouldn’t have been much of a scandal if the media in general knew that it WASN’T the original Ðìçk Grayson Robin who was bumped off.

    1. Stewart also pointed out that Miles Morales is Dobbs’s worst nightmare: A Latino who can climb walls.

  12. And, of course, there’s the next Spider-Man movie coming out. No, not the Hollywood one, but this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8AxNNQtzRs

    I love how, in the comments, people are more impressed by this than by the upcoming Hollywood reboot.

    (I also love the ability to pre-order DVDs…)

    And I wonder how Glenn Beck would respond to this. After all, there’s plenty of evidence in the comics that Peter Parker went from glasses and sweater-vests to have pre-marital sex with several women he dated (and stayed frisky with Mary Jane post-wedding).

    1. It was even strongly implied that Peter had a one-night stand with Betty Leeds, when she was still married to Ned. Adulterous bášŧárd!!

  13. Forget Beck or those guys at FOX. If you read the comments at the Yahoo!News article about it it’s really disappointing. You’ll realize none of these people have read comics for years or ever if they don’t know that it’s the ULTIMATE Spider-Man being replaced and not the regular one that’s been around since 1962. I guess you can say it’s like when they announced Robin was being killed off or Superman. People outside comics readers didn’t know it wasn’t the Ðìçk Grayson Robin or that Superman, like many other characters would come back later. This time though the racism and hatred this stirred is unbelievable.

    Read some comments and prepare to just shake your head at:


    1. “Read some comments and prepare to just shake your head”
      I’m prepared for that every time I read a Yahoo news article. For some reason it’s become the on-line hangout of choice for racists, homophobes, and extreme right-wing zealots.

      1. Yeah, zealotry (of all stripes) seems to be worst on Yahoo, but there’s a degree of it on any news site that allows comments. I see it on MSNBC.com, I see it in blogs and forums. I see quite a bit of it in the comments for one of my local news stations.
        And there’s so much of it that I can’t simply believe that everybody’s trolling for fun. These are people who have a voice with no filter whatsoever.

    2. We should clarify them that it’s the “Ultimate” Spider-Man being replaced by Bendis’ “inspired by a sitcom actor in a Spider-Man costume” character, and not the original.
      The original is still around and doing fine. And happily unmarried thanks to a deal with the devil.
      Yeah…that’ll calm ’em down.

  14. A glimpse into my minde while I read this article:

    Yeah that Glenn Beck’s a bášŧárd.

    I loved Spider-Man 2099.

    I might have to pick up Edge of Time.

    OH CRAP Peter David wrote 2099. I forgot.

  15. reboot2099

    As JC Cohen said before me, Peter was a high school student who was able to invent a very very strong adhesive that dissolved itself after a couple hours and a mean to shoot it with a device on his wrist. And was able to do so in a very short period of time.
    If you can accept that, why can’t you accept organic web shooters on wrists? Both are completely absurd. I bet you accept the former because that’s what you grew up with. If it was created the other way around, you opinion might differ.

    Organic spinnerets? Yes.
    On the wrist? No.
    How does the volume of material needed get to the wrist quickly enough to be useful?
    Spinnerette shooting her web out her butt – more or less – is more plausible.
    And a lot funnier.
    Which is why Marvel did/does it the other way, given that Spider-Man is a silly-enough concept already.
    R. Maheras

    Regarding the money angle, there are plenty of geniuses in all fields who created/invented some amazing things, yet died with modest incomes or were downright destitute. In comics, I can think of about a dozen off the top of my head.

    And then there’s the guy who invented intermittent windshield wipers and had to sue Ford to get his idea back and finally wound up rich (there’s a movie about him) or the guy who invented the quick-release ratchet for socket sets and had to sue Sears after they claimed the rights because he worked in the hardware department as a salesman … and wound up rich.
    Robert Fuller

    “Read some comments and prepare to just shake your head”
    I’m prepared for that every time I read a Yahoo news article. For some reason it’s become the on-line hangout of choice for racists, homophobes, and extreme right-wing zealots.

    Are you familiar with the GIFT?
    (WARNING: The above link leads to a page that contains the “F” word…)

  16. Glenn has stated his love for the Green Lantern series of comics on the initial segment of GBTV.com. He is a big Star Trek fan and quoted the Next Generation episode Darmok on his radio show. It is highly possible he has read spidey 2099, or at least Amazing as he is well versed in modern pop culture. I can not stop people from calling him a racist, not that there is one shred of proof in support of that claim, people love to shout racist everywhere now days. I am a huge Peter David fan (read 50 plus novels of his and don’t make me count the comics) and I listen to Glenn on the radio almost every lunch break at work. It is nice to have access to multiple opinions and decide things for myself as best I can.

  17. On the opening segment of GBTV.com, Glenn mentions his love for the Green Lantern series of comics (a love that doesn’t extend to the movie). He had a Facebook contest to see him on radio and TV, then go with him to see the Spider-Man musical. I have heard him quote the Star Trek TNG episode Darmok on the radio show. He is very pop culture aware and it is possible he’s read Spidey 2099, or more than likely Amazing. As far as racist goes, prove it and I’ll stop listening to him. I won’t stand for racism and neither would he.

    1. .
      “I won’t stand for racism and neither would he.”
      Yeah… And when he finally stops playing to the racist out there and in his audience for more than a week I’ll actually believe that last bit there.

      1. Wow, what a ton of research you’ve managed to conjure up to bring out a statement like that. With that attitude you can call anybody anything anytime without a fact present.

      2. Hey, I’ve backed up everything I’ve said over the years about Beck on this blog with facts that I’ve also presented on this blog, Jason. The simple facts about Glenny are that he’s often a liar, he’ll pull entire programs together with half truths and cropped quotes to create a false picture of whatever it is that he’s attacking and that he’ll at least play the sly “wink, wink” pandering to dámņëd near any group if it’ll get him ratings and cash to line his pockets with.
        Glenn is a piece of šhìŧ. That’s a fact as well.

      3. Still you bring me nothing but your opinion, and an agressive opinion at that. Bring me something solid to your point and I’ll thank you, but enough with the unnecessary hate. We used to be a country where we could disagree without namecalling. And your bit about him pandering to any group for ratings is absurd. Waiting on facts…

      4. .
        Well, as usual, posts with more than one or two links end up in the spam filter. Wait a few days, it’ll pop up.

      5. but enough with the unnecessary hate.
        Are you saying this while standing INSIDE Beck’s glass house, or in front of it as he uses you as a human shield?
        We used to be a country where we could disagree without namecalling.
        Which is why Beck accused Obama of being racist. Oh, wait.
        And your bit about him pandering to any group for ratings is absurd.
        Not only would it not be absurd, but it might actually make him as something less of a piece of šhìŧ. Because if he truly believes the stuff he spouts…

  18. Yeah, he is not a racist, he just plays one on radio.
    Seriously, I used to cut Glenn Beck and people like him more slack. After what happened on Norway, not so much. Beck may not be personally a racist, but he is cynical enough to push the buttons of those among his fans that are racist. Whenever he is railing against the latest “crime” of the “multicultis” that want to destroy the American Way of Life (and I keep picturing nice, white, rural, Christian families when I hear that), he knows full well that he is appealing to the racist nutjobs out there.
    And even thought I honestly believe Glenn Beck doesn’t have a problem with people based on color, I think he considers as traitors and enemies anyone who doesn’t share his devotion to a very narrowly defined culture of traditional values.
    In other words, Glenn Beck isn’t racist, but he is xenophobic. I’m not sure that is a whole lot better than being a racist.
    Hey, Conservatives used to ask us what side we’re on, their side or the terrorists’ side. I think it’s time we asked the same question of them.

    1. The Norway shooter shouldn’t have any more sway on the way you view Glenn Beck or any other perceived conservative than the Giffords shooter. He was a nut, plain and simple. His actions didn’t even line up with his stated reasons for doing it. But, if the Norway shooter provides a convenient way for you to diss Beck, be my guest. You’re only demonstrating that you’re uninformed and unenlightened.

      1. So if a Christian does the shooting, he’s a lone nut. If it’s a Muslim, it’s part of the vast terror network. Surrrre.

      2. Well, if they’re shouting “Allahu Akbar” while doing it, it’s pretty obvious where their motivation came from. The Norway killer Breivik, however, made no actual declaration of his faith. In fact, Breivik stated in his manifesto that he wasn’t religious. See, over in Norway, “Christian” is also a racial identifier… kinda like how “jew” can refer to a faith or a specific bloodline. (There are, after all, Christian jews.) When Breivik referred to himself as a “Christian” and to a “Christian Europe” he meant “non-Muslim.” But over here in the US, the anti-Christian (faith) media couldn’t wait to confuse that for people. So now we’ve got a whole bunch of people here who think this guy represents Christianity and are perfectly willing to overlook facts.

  19. Saw this today on Fox News Latino (which is every bit as problematic as that title can possibly suggest, right down to the logo): Remembering the First – and Forgotten – Latino Spider-Man http://latino.foxnews.com/latino/lifestyle/2011/08/16/remembering-first-and-forgotten-latino-spider-man/#ixzz1VFFmrKmYhttp://latino.foxnews.com/latino/lifestyle/2011/08/16/remembering-first-and-forgotten-latino-spider-man/?test=faces

    Mr. David, your name is not mentioned anywhere, do not know if that is a good or bad thing. The Foxiest of the Fox-type misinformation is this little gem…

    “And while Marvel has not directly linked Miles Morales’ emergence as the new Spiderman to President Obama, it is difficult not to notice a resemblance between the two.”

    Gonna just let that one speak for itself.

    I am really surprised though that no one at Fox has noticed the death of Captain America coincided with the election of President Obama in 2008.

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