
Amazon knocked down the price on the trade paperback of “The Camelot Papers” to match the discount from Barnes & Noble.

Competition. I love it. Now if we could just get the sales rankings up to something I’d be satisfied with, like…number one.


9 comments on “Interesting

  1. There! I bought one! Are you happy now?

    Sorry. Sorry. I shouldn’t have taken it out on someone who’s just trying to sell his wares. I just have a lot of reading material lined up already is all.

    One of these days, I’m going to end up buried in an avalanche of books (if not physically, then at least my digital self will be).

      1. E-book. I bought it in the Kindle Store.

        I bought it, but I might not read it all that soon. In my queue of prose books (as opposed to comics), Camelot Papers is maybe 4th in line. It depends on if I visit the library between now and then. I hope that’s okay.

  2. Ok, I’ll add it to my wishlist, so I don’t forget to put it in my Fall order, that I will be submitting shortly after payday to get the new DVD’s (Big bang Theory, x-men first class etc.)

  3. Still being a paper & ink reader (and not wanting to have authors like PAD autographing an eReader), I got my copy through

  4. (Back from a vacation where the only ‘net access was via my Kindle. Which this website isn’t really ideal for.)
    It’s interesting to watch prices on a site like and how they fluctuate. Sometimes it doesn’t pay to see if a price will go down. There’s occasionally something I’d like to get, and I wait. And then I never see the price go down again.
    Good to hear that all is well for you after the hurricane. But once a hurricane makes landfall, somebody’s going to pay for it with flooding. And it looks like things are perhaps worse in more inland areas in the northeast than along the shoreline.

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