Kath’s Art Work for DragonCon 2011

With Peter’s kind permission I am posting photos of what I have in the Art Show this year at DragonCon. We have lost count of the number of people who say after the show “Gee, I wished I had known that you had X in the show. I would have bought it”

The Art Show at DragonCon is in the Hyatt next to Artist Alley.

The Class of 2011 for the DragonCon Art Show.

I am putting more photos under a cut of the individual pieces.

I will be selling a couple of Fluzzies and a Ship Ship at Peter’s Table as well in Artist Alley so stop by and see them and him there

CBLDF/Planet Comics update

digresssmlOriginally published December 1, 1995, in Comics Buyer’s Guide #1150

Here at BID, we’re starting to get the first rumblings of the response generated by my column about Planet Comics, the comic store in Oklahoma that is facing prosecution for allegedly distributing pornographic material (i.e., comic books by such publishers as Verotik and Eros).