Shana’s Final Push

The following is a letter from my daughter, Shana, that just went out. I reprint it here and urge you to support her project if you haven’t already. If you’re one of the thousands of people who read this blog and have just kind of shrugged or said, “Maybe later,” there is no more later. This would mean a lot to her and a lot to me. Please help make this happen:

Happy Friday!

If you’re reading this email it’s because you have kindly allowed yourself to be hassled about a project that is much needed in Riverside, the takeover, rebranding, and renovation of the 5 Points Theatre. Through your support and that of other residents and businesses Tim and I have raised over $46,000 on our crowdsourcing site at ulule. That’s pretty impressive, except that our goal is more than twice that and we only have a week to pull this off. As of this writing we have 142 “supporters,” and I know at least one of those is my grandma. Consider that Riverside and Avondale have what, 25,000 people and when you add Downtown, Springfield, West Jax, and Ortega you’re at 250,000. Dangit, I just don’t think that Jacksonville’s representing the way it oughta.

For the sake of our hood, please spread the word far and wide. Remind people this restoration likely will not happen if we can’t raise the funds. Let them know this ain’t a donation, you can buy two tickets and a tub of popcorn for only $25, lifetime movies or a year’s worth of onscreen ads for $1000, or have the best company Christmas party ever for a cool $10k, with lots of great incentives in between.

To break it down:

If 2000 people drop that 25 bucks we’re set. 500 people could buy a card that gets them into 10 movies and we’d be there. Or 50 people at $1000. We don’t have a second shot at this. The kind folks at Ulule gave us this rare opportunity to extend our campaign so let’s all get on the Facebook, the Tweeting, and the guilt tripping because next Friday it’s all over.

Power to the people!


In the Makeup Chair for Space Cases

digresssmlOriginally published January 19, 1996, in Comics Buyer’s Guide #1157

What with going “home for the holidays” (after an extended stay in Montreal), I find myself crunched for time this week. Therefore the adventures of Ðìçk Cosmic, the Cosmic Ðìçk (which has grown far more in the telling than I had anticipated), will be delayed one week. Instead, we have a time-saver column from the set of Space Cases, the kids’ science fiction TV series I co-created with Bill Mumy.