Young Justice stuff

I’m out in Los Angeles, working with the brilliant writing staff of “Young Justice,” prepping the last few episodes of the second season. While I was there, I was able to watch a completed edition of my first episode of the current season, airing on Cartoon Network. These things are extremely fluid and subject to change, but it’s tentatively scheduled to be broadcast on November 11. When we get closer, I’ll verify as to whether it will indeed be airing on that day. And please don’t ask me the title or what it’s about; I’m afraid that’s secret.


“The Cape Dripped Red” Part I

digresssmlOriginally published December 29, 1995 in Comics Buyer’s Guide #1154

“Are you Ðìçk Cosmic?”

I’d been studying the racing forms for tomorrow’s stakes at Belmont, trying to determine just which horse I was going to bet on—which was, in turn, going to guarantee that some other lucky saps were going to strike it rich.

I’d convinced myself that I was not only the crunchy cream center of my own little private detective universe, but that my various picks in different races were capable of determining just precisely who was going to lose (me) and who was going to be raking in yet another long shot at the trackside ticket windows (not me). Sure, I was dragging some poor saps down with me.

Then again, anyone who was dumb enough to bet on the same ponies I picked probably deserved whatever they had coming to them.

The kid who spoke was standing in the doorway of my dingy little detective concern—said office located in one of the seedier sections of Times Square. The block was filled with prostitutes, pornographers, and slimeballs. Unfortunately, Disney was pretty much buying out everything, so the neighborhood was in danger of going straight down the toilet.

Cowboy Pete, post-Hurricane, isn’t Blown Away by “Doctor Who”

It might be that a newcomer to “Doctor Who” might be jazzed by the current season. I couldn’t say; having been watching it (on and off) for some thirty years, I can’t rewire my brain into novice mode. Intellectually I know that each season of the long-running (to put it mildly) adventures of everyone’s favorite Time Lord should be judged separately. Yet it’s natural to compare. And if we’re going to compare, this latest season of the Whovian modern era is sorely lacking. Spoilers in these comments are more or less non-existent.

“NO SMALL BILLS” Now Available on B&N

A few days ago I posted that the next Crazy 8 Press offering, Aaron Rosenberg’s dementedly humorous “No Small Bills” had chapters up on the site and would be available soon.

This garnered exactly no responses, which I admit I found a bit disheartening.

So now I want you all to know that the full book is available at Barnes and Noble, and you can still read the sample chapters at the C8 site below. I’m hoping for better response this time around.

Crazy 8.


Choosing Teams

digresssmlOriginally published December 1995, in Comics Buyer’s Guide 1996 Annual

How many of you hated it when the time came to choose up sides? In gym class, in neighborhood pick-up games, there would always come that defining moment: the defining moment of youth (male youth in particular), when two teams were being formed, and the team captains would say, “I pick Jimmy,” “I’ll take Spike.”

Mighty Marvel Rumors (1995 edition)

digresssmlOriginally published December 22, 1995, in Comics Buyer’s Guide #1153

The phone has been ringing off the hook at Chez David, and many of the calls are from folks who seem to be aggrandizing my “importance” in the grand comic book scheme of things beyond anything that I could imagine. (And, in the words of Han Solo, I can imagine quite a lot.)