“Bronsky’s Dates With Death”

With the July/August issue of F&SF now off sale, I thought I’d draw your attention to the fact that my novelette was reprinted on www.suvudu.com. If you haven’t already read it, this is your opportunity. If you like it, let your friends know. Thanks.



18 comments on ““Bronsky’s Dates With Death”

    1. .
      Well, I bought my copy of the July/August issue of F&SF way back when, bought an autographed copy of the July/August issue of F&SF for Bill Myers from you at Dragon*Con and let people I know who aren’t regular readers of yours know about the link for the free download to check out your work back when it was first posted here. I’m assuming that other regular readers here did much the same.
      What new comments are most of the regulars here going to say?

      1. I’m assuming that other regular readers here did much the same.
        See, whereas if nobody says anything, I kind of assume that people didn’t read the work in question.
        Besides, it’s something of a pattern. It’s why it always amuses me when people complain on political threads that I should just stick to talking about my work, because threads about my work invariably get minimal response.
        But I saw you mentioned it on Facebook, and that was much appreciated. If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that when it comes to social media, mentioning something once or twice does very little to raise awareness of it. Frequently it takes a dozen or more exposures just to get people’s attention.

    2. At least ye get replies. My blog is somewhere deep in bowels on the internet, unnoticed and unloved. (To be honest, it IS VERY BORING . I generally use it to complain about my job. What can I say ? Having PDD-NOS is a bìŧçh.)

  1. Well, I had downloaded the pdf when you mentioned it the first time but I have no idea why I completely forgot about it… until I found it during a long and full of turbulence flight… It was an excellent reading and I really hope to see more of your prose in the future, PAD.
    Unfortunately I have no facebook/myspace etc. But I’ll definitely spread the word the old way.

  2. I’m glad it’s out in ways for others to enjoy, but I’m not sure what I could say here — I bought the F&SF issue at the time, devoured the story and posted about it here. Given that I’m not on Facebook/etc., I’m not rightly sure what else I could be doing.

    In other news, though, I’m at a rehab facility recovering from a busted pelvis after a very nasty car accident 2.5 weeks ago, so probably won’t be posting much. We’ll see, though!

    1. Doh! Get well, man.
      Although, Laid Up And Drugged Tim might be awfully entertaining to read comments from. 😉

    2. Ouch. Sorry to hear about that, Tim. I hope it’s a decent prognosis, at least. If there’s anything I can do–I haven’t the faintest idea what, but anything–please don’t hesitate to let me know.

      1. Thanks, all.
        Weird story, really. I was on my way to work and someone heading the other direction lost control of his car. Plowed into me head-on, each of us doing ~35 mi/hr.
        Both of us had to be cut out of our respective cars, and my left femur got shoved out the back of my pelvis, shattering the latter into a lovely number of tiny little pieces.
        Fortunately, the surgeon was really good, so I’m back in the same number of pieces I started with (plus nine pins and a titanium plate). Except for a vastly increased likelihood of arthritis, it’s a good prognosis long-term. I’m non-weight-bearing for 12 weeks, though, so won’t be teaching any time soon.
        So keep up the interesting reading, all. PAD, while I appreciate the offer, at the moment I can’t really think of much you can do (other than alter time, speed up the harvest, or teleport me off this rock). If I do think of something, I’ll let you know; thanks tons.

  3. All right, since you asked, I thought it was fantastic. It was the change of mood that really struck me. I have certain expectations coming into a Peter David story, and it seemed like it was going to be a fairly light, humor-driven story at first, especially with the overload of parentheses early on. So when the story shifted…not really abruptly, but so gradually I didn’t notice at first, so it felt abrupt when I realized it…I was caught off guard, which may have contributed to a slight sniffliness at the coda.

    So why didn’t I say any of this yesterday? Well, because I didn’t pay for the story. I’m not a complete delinquent…I’ve paid for X-Factor trades, and I pay for my Marvel Digital Comics subscription now (hmm, do you see a cut of that? I never thought about that before). But I haven’t paid for any of your prose before, so I felt like it wasn’t my place to say anything, since I hadn’t paid at the door, as it were. I’m still coming around to the idea of paying for reading material electronically — even though I’ve been published myself, and I can see the ebook sales on my royalty statements.

    One last thing…a pale Bronco? That one elicited a groan, at perhaps a spot in the story where that wasn’t the desired reaction.

    1. Well, Brian, it’s not as if you got it off a pirate site. Suvudu is owned by Random House, they asked permission before posting it, and I get some money for their doing so. Not much, but something. None of which you knew, of course, but trust me that if I post the link here, I’m endorsing your going and reading it.
      As for the pale Bronco, well, look at it this way: If I’d had him driving pretty much any other car, I’d have fans going, “You missed an opportunity.” It was more along the lines of, what ELSE would he drive?

      1. .
        “It was more along the lines of, what ELSE would he drive?”
        A Harley. What, you’ve never read Good Omens?

  4. … Dang, I hope that post doesn’t mean that it just recently went off-sale. I was unable to get it during the summer, but I could’ve gotten it anytime since early September had I known it was still out there!

  5. Mr. David,

    Thanks so much for letting Random House publish that story. I just got done reading it and, after wiping a tear from my cheek, had to come here and tell you thanks. That was a beautiful story. The humor was actually funny and I felt the love pouring from the words and into my own heart.

    A wonderful way to spend a few minutes. Thank you.

  6. While I haven’t read Bronsky yet, I did buy and download Camelot Papers last week for the Kindle. I’m about 67% through and really digging it so far. Anxiously awaiting Hidden Earth 2 and any future Apropos stuff (my dad was a big fan before he passed away from cancer), can’t wait to “tell him” what happens between the different races.

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