A Super Man

digresssmlOriginally published March 1, 1996, in Comics Buyer’s Guide #1163

John Adams died on July 4, 1826. There was an irony over his passing on Independence Day. The further irony was his last words: “Thomas Jefferson still survives.” What he did not know was that Jefferson died the same day—under the impression that Adams was still alive.

I doubt that Burne Hogarth or Jerry Siegel died with each other’s names on their lips. Nevertheless, there is a certain “double whammy” feeling when two of this industry’s “forefathers” pass away on the exact same day. One is upsetting; two becomes numbing.

I can’t claim to know Hogarth personally, never having had the opportunity or honor to meet him. Siegel, however, I met once, and it was a memorable moment.