So let me see if I’ve got this straight…

GOP candidates and talking heads are claiming that the timing of the Iraqi pullout is politically motivated and condemning Obama for it. Perry, Bachman, McCain et al are all asserting that it’s rushed and wrongheaded…even though it’s being done on the schedule established by Bush.

So when Obama kills bin Laden, they give props to Bush, declaring that W.’s policies made it possible even though W. stated on record that he didn’t give bin Laden much thought anymore…

…but when Obama adheres to Bush’s policy and deals that Bush made for a withdrawal schedule, it’s Obama just being a politically motivated dìçk?

You know what? Good luck to the GOP making this one fly. Selling the notion of “How dare that bášŧárd Obama get our young men and women out of a warzone that we never should have been in in the first place” is going to be an uphill battle at best. If anything, it’s the GOP talking heads who are going to look as if THEY are playing politics, trying to put a negative spin on something that I have to think most Americans have wanted to see happen.