I’m thinking of writing a Fan/Pro Bill of Rights

At a recent West Coast convention, female fans were harassed by a serial groper, who had his membership taken away and was eventually forcibly removed from the convention. By the same token, the abuse that pros have had to suffer at conventions borders on the legendary.

I think it would be an interesting idea to produce a list of simple, basic rights that everyone attending conventions–both pros and fans–should expect. I mean, you’d think that they would be common sense; things that people would just know. On the other hand, the 10 Commandments were pretty common sense too, when you think about it, so I figure if it’s good enough for God…

Veterans Day

On this day, thank you to all veterans, not to mention those currently residing in dangerous territory who will, one hopes, go on to become veterans, for your service to our country.

(Fair warning: Comments along similar lines, not to mention personal anecdotes, are welcome. However I will not–WILL NOT–see this thread degenerate into an acrimonious political thread. Just so we’re clear.)


So here’s my question

If one of these “fetal rights” bills passes, granting the concept of personhood, with rights and protections, from the very moment of conception…

Does that mean that a pregnant woman can use the HOV lane if she’s the only one in the car? And if not, why not?

For that matter, if the woman doesn’t know that she’s pregnant yet, gets drunk, falls down a flight of stairs and miscarries, can she be charged with negligent homicide?


Open Letter to Eddie Murphy

Dear Eddie: (Can I call you Eddie?)

I think it’s no secret that the best thirty seconds in “Tower Heist” are when you and Gabourey Sidibe are endeavoring to crack the safe. The comic chemistry between the two of you was simply masterful. I was suggesting on my Facebook page that the two of you should find a vehicle to work together and a fellow named Richard Kallao suggested an update of “The Odd Couple.”

This, to me, is a brilliant idea.

Not only that, but you could update the concept for the 21st Century.

Sidibe would be the “Oscar” character (you could even call her “Olive” as a call-back to the all female “Odd Couple” of some years back) . You would be the fussy Felix. She’s divorced from her husband. You’re newly separated from YOUR husband. Yes, I know there’s the knock of it being cliche that a guy being neat and tidy = gay, but the hëll with it. It’s 2011; embrace the subtext.

The poker buddies could be a who’s who of comic actors. I mean, with all deference to the brilliant Neil Simon, you could pretty much toss out the script for the poker games, set up the cameras, start playing poker for real while ragging on each other, and you’d have comedy gold.

And of course your dates in the second act, the Pigeon brothers, could be played by the Wayans Brothers. Or, if you really want it to go off the rails, Olive met this guy at work and he says he has a brother, so she sets up a double date. And the brothers are played by Wayne Brady and Neil Patrick Harris, who play brothers on “How I Met Your Mother.”

I’d see that movie. I think everyone would. I think it could be one of the top grossing comedies of all time.


Trekking along the Whitewater

digresssmlOriginally published April 5, 1996, in Comics Buyer’s Guide #1168

Finally, something from Whitewater that your average doofus (such as this writer) can understand.

I got a call from a source that I shall keep anonymous. I’ll simply call him by his fairly common, impossible to identify first name: Harlan. He phoned up and asked if I’d heard about the bizarreness in the selection of the Whitewater jury in Little Rock, Arkansas.