In the Blink of an Eye

As stated yesterday on his web log, Peter had a stroke. So we are at the beginning of what is going to be a long road. We have a diagnosis, which is a small stroke in the Pons section of his brain. Now we have to figure out where we go from here and how we get Peter back to what he was before the stroke. We know that a total recovery is slim because damage to the brain doesn’t go away but the brain can be trained to work around the damage and give Peter back what he has lost.

I am dealing with a lot of woulda, coulda, and shoulda issues right now. But we are where we are and we are working out a plan of recovery.

What happened was that we were in Disney Hollywood Studios having just had lunch at the Prime Time Café. We were walking to the front gate because we were off to Animal Kingdom to see a friend of ours perform in the Finding Nemo Show. Peter had been tired and also not sleeping well the past week or so. He had been taking naps in the afternoon to catch up on the sleep that was eluding him at night. He told me that he had blurry vision in his right eye. The way he described it to me sounded like an ocular migraine so we took him back to the Hotel and went onto Animal Kingdom. We got back and he was working on his next novel. We decided to go to dinner but he was still having a slight vision problem so I drove.

While at dinner I thought his speech was a bit slurred. He put it down to fatigue and his face always looked like that. That morning he couldn’t get his right leg to move correctly. He told us later that he had gotten up because he couldn’t sleep and tried to type and couldn’t get his hand to work correctly but he didn’t want to wake me up and alarm me. I called my mom with the laundry list of things. My mother said get him to a hospital NOW. We loaded him into the car and took him to Celebration Hospital at the recommendation of some friends.

Celebration Hospital did a great job of getting him in and starting treatment. His blood pressure was scary scary high so their first job was to get it back to closer to normal. They did some tests and a CAT scan to check for a stroke. The CAT scan didn’t show anything but they were going with their observations and the evidence that his blood work was not good and getting worse. The decision was made to transfer him down to Florida Hospital in downtown Orlando where they could do an MRI and some other tests Also Florida hospital has the best cardiac unit and they were worried that he had a heart attack or a cardiac episode (having told Peter that he might be having a cardiac episode, he put on his best comic guy voice and said, ”Worst Episode Ever.” So Ariel got to take “ride in an ambulance” off her bucket list as she went down to the hospital with Peter while I dealt with getting us out of our hotel room.

So I am betting that in this point of the narrative you, if you know our family, are asking where is Caroline while this is all going on. She was and is in Jacksonville with her sister and Peter’s eldest daughter, Shana. Currently we haven’t told her what is going on but that is going to change in the next couple of days. So she is having fun with big sister and her playmates in Jacksonville. Shana has been a rock in all this and a champ about taking care of her little sister while all this has been going on. I have been able to concentrate on Peter right now.

He went into the Florida Hospital in the Cardiac Care Unit as they try to ascertain what exactly happened. They did an MRI about midnight along with some other tests. They came to the conclusion that it was not a heart attack but a stroke and moved him to the neurology unit where he is now.

As he stated, he has lost most of the use of his right arm, his right leg is incredibly weak, the vision in his right eye is blurry, and the right side of his face is drooping slightly. But the brain is there with all its quips and quick retorts. He has had the nurses laughing a lot.

Today we figure out what the next step is and where it is going to happen. Tonight the New Year Begins and for us it is a very different beginning than we thought we were going to be having.

Thank you everyone for your good wishes, prayers and kind words. They do help. And BIG thank you to our Orlando buddies who have taken us into their houses and helped us deal with what is going on.

Continue to think good thoughts for Peter. This is not going to be easy for him or us but we will get through this together.

I am grateful that my husband is still alive.

I have had a Stroke

We were on vacation in Florida when I lost control of the right side of my body. I cannot see properly and I cannot move my right arm or leg. We are currently getting the extent of the damage sorted out and will report as further details become clarified.


“The TruBatman Show,” Part 1

digresssmlOriginally published July 10, 1998, in Comics Buyer’s Guide #1286

“The TruBatman Show”

We have a world that is possessed of infinite capability for amusement. Our people can sit for hours, even days, wrapped in worlds of holovids and endless possibilities. And I, one of the greatest scientists of our age—have decided that that is wrong. That we have lost touch with reality. Because we have become so enamored with fiction—we have lost sight of the simple, enriching joy of fact. This was my first, greatest concern when I embarked on this grand adventure which has captivated millions. We wanted it—and we needed it…

Merry Christmas the 2012 Edition

I woke up on my own about 6:30 and went to check on Caroline who was awake and ready to get up. We snuck quietly downstairs to check out the tree. Ariel joined us shortly thereafter.

Last night we performed the rituals that I have done since I can remember.

This morning we open presents, eat eggs benedict, and enjoy being in each other’s company.

Later we are going to go see Les Miserables with my sister Sheila. Or at least that is the current plan.

This evening I will be visiting with friends and catching up on people’s lives that I see only a few times a year and they don’t blog or use social media much.

Tomorrow I am going to see my brother and his family and then we are off to Florida to see Shana and a few other folks as well.

There is a comfort in knowing what the next couple of days are going to be and what will be happening. There will be adventure and surprises along the way with not knowing how things are going to play out but that is part of life.

Right now I am watching my daughter read her new Monster High book and, occasionally, share passages with me that she find very funny. She is curled up on the couch like I use to do with my new book(s) as Christmas enjoying herself. And the circle continues.

I wish you all a good holiday and a pleasant day.

I am grateful for my mother’s Eggs Benedict. It is really really good.

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The Illusion of Change

digresssmlOriginally published July 3, 1998, in Comics Buyer’s Guide #1285

“The illusion of change.”

That’s what Stan Lee always said was the secret to Marvel storytelling. Make it seem as if things were changing in the life of a character… but, in point of fact, have them remain exactly the same. It’s a terrific theory, and creators and publishers still abide by it.

However, at this point it may have led to a readership that is so jaded that it’s hard to convince readers that anything matters anymore.

Creative Differences, part 2

digresssmlOriginally published June 26, 1998, in Comics Buyer’s Guide #1284

I was speaking last week of my favorite gags.  These were concepts, notions, dialogue, or whatever that I came up with which, for whatever reasons, were overruled and tossed.

Favorite Lost Star Trek Subplot: I do a series called New Frontier for Pocket Books.  We launched it last summer, and Paramount let the first four books sail through with virtually no changes.  The books did very well.  Naturally, that meant that when books #5 and #6 showed up, it was time to start gutting stuff.