If I’m supposed to take the latest threat to the environment seriously…

…environmentalists, seismologists and the media are going to have to stop calling it “fracking.” I can’t get through a single article that talks about “fracking earthquakes” or “fracking wastewater” without breaking down laughing.

Fracking “Battlestar.”


28 comments on “If I’m supposed to take the latest threat to the environment seriously…

  1. .
    Yeah, pretty much. The first time I heard a bumper promo for an upcoming news segment on the dangers being posed to drinking water by frakking, my brain completely threw a gear. The line used about flaming water caused by area frakking then sent my mind straight to the gutter.

    1. Flaming caused by fracking?
      Was that a story about Gaeta and Hoshi, or something?

  2. Living on gound zero of the “fracking” dispute in upstate NY I see signs on peoples houses everyday saying “No Fracking”. I am use to it now but at the beginning I found it very funny too.

    1. Same here in Colorado – it took time for me to stop wanting to chuckle. Now, it’s so critical an issue, I just can’t laugh.

    2. We were up in Ithaca in June for a reunion weekend and saw lots of anti-fracking signs. We basically looked at each other and said “ohhhhhkaaaaaaaayyyy…”
      Much more understandable now, but definitely a bit weird to hear, yes.

  3. Edward James Olmos has been very vocal about clean water issues on Twitter.

    So, yes, Admiral Adama really is against fracking!

  4. Good… because fracking isn’t a threat to the environment, fracking will probably do us all a lot of good in the grand scheme of things.

    1. Riiiiiight. That’s why, here in New Mexico, there hasn’t been an earthquake in decades. But we’ve had 3 in the last few months, all in areas with heavy fracking. Riiiiight.

  5. A bit OT, I admit, but have you guys seen the CollegeHumor BSG 16-bit RPG video? I just saw that today, so I’ve had BSG on the brain a bit more than usual.

    Okay, back ON-topic: I’m right there with you. I find the whole fracking debate pretty frakking hilarious.

      1. Sigh. I only looked at the domain for the link and it wasn’t the same as the spot I’d seen.

        Well, whether I look stupid or not, it’s pretty funny. James is right to point it out.


  6. Heh. I don’t think they do it any more – maybe they do – but there used to be a standard placard applied to railroad boxcars carrying fragile materials that said “Do not hump.”
    It referred to a “hump yard” – a form of classification yard where cars are sorted by being pushed to the top of an artificial “hump” and then freely rolling down to be switched to classification tracks to make up trains.
    The arrival at the end of the run can be a bit jarring…
    It’s still funny to think about.
    “Do not hump”.
    One’s mind boggles at the thought of something big (and desperate) enough to hump a boxcar.

    1. Amend that first sentence to say “I don’t think they use it any more, but there used to be…”, because they sure do still use hump yards – the biggest classification yard in the world is a hump yard.

  7. Fracking does the body good. If those Fracking toasters could have procreated then they would have not rebelled. Fracking politicans take a cool word and make their own. Fracking politics. Next thing you know I will say Fracking every other word. Gods Ðámņ it! There I go. Frack it to hëll! LOL

  8. Because it ought to be made clear:

    “Frack” refers to hydraulic fracturing, and is five letters long.

    “Frak” is an expletive and, like all good expletives, is a four-letter word.

  9. Grozit! Why can’t all these bastich writers lay off the fake slang and swearing! It just sounds so frelling stupid! If they could just stick with real words, that would be just shway.


    1. .
      Actually, I don’t think it’s all that bad yet. It doesn’t sound too strange to hear a word being used in popular discourse that I associate with sci-fi or fantasy because of the similarities. It happens now and then and, like with this, the word actually works (on more levels than just the one) for describing the process in question.
      Now, if we’re ever discussing how a word or phrase can’t be used without reminding us all of Warriors of Plasm…

      1. Indeed, it happens all the time. Case in point: once, I saw a fridge with the four letters SMEG on it. I had to bite my tongue not to explode in laughter.

  10. “Indeed, it happens all the time. Case in point: once, I saw a fridge with the four letters SMEG on it. I had to bite my tongue not to explode in laughter.”

    It’s cold *in*side… Well, at least the fresh mango juice will be nice and chilled.

    Mind you, personally I think all this fracking is just a bunch of dren.

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