The Big Fish

digresssmlOriginally published August 23, 1996, in Comics Buyer’s Guide #1188

A great personal tragedy had just struck at the household of Bill Mumy.

Mumy and I were up in his office, working on a script for Space Cases, when Bill’s 6-year-old son, Seth, appeared at the door. Tears were rolling down his face as he sobbed out the heartrending news, “George the Third is dead and Ming ate him!”

Bill was promptly consoling. I, of course, said the same thing that you doubtless said upon being presented with that declaration. Namely: “Huh?”

What Convenient Moral Outrage

Newt Gingrich declared last night, when asked about his ex-wife’s recent interview, “I’m tired of the elite media protecting Barack Obama by attacking Republicans.”

Funny. He didn’t have any problem with the elite media dog-piling on Bill Clinton during the time that he, Gingrich, was involved with the impeachment.