
Hi, and welcome to the annual tradition here at www.peterdavid.net of live-blogging the Oscars. It’s fun. It’s entertaining. It’s not limited to 140 characters a comment (or response for that matter). And best of all, it guarantees that I’ll stay awake.

I’ve been paying mild attention to the red carpet. Every year I come to the same two conclusions: Women will wear dámņëd near anything, and no man on the planet looks as good in a tux as Pierce Brosnan did in the Bond films. Also, good news: apparently Cirque du Soleil will be doing a performance at some point.

So…let’s all get ready and hope no one gets a paper cut opening an envelope.

Boy, I’m REALLY torn about this

Kathleen just brought me up to speed on California’s Prop 69 (which isn’t at ALL about what you’d think based on the number) which was approved back in 2004, fully implemented in 2009, and is now being challenged in the courts.

What it puts forward is the following: that anyone who is arrested on a felony charge is required to provide a DNA sample so it can be cross matched against DNA taken from other crimes and see if there’s a hit. (There are similar laws on the books in many other states.) There seems little doubt that it will wind up in the Supreme Court. And I honestly don’t know how I feel about it.

Salon Internacional del Comic convention, part 1

digresssmlOriginally published November 8, 1996, in Comics Buyer’s Guide #1199

Tuesday, Oct. 8—I arrived in Spain for the Salon Internacional del Comic. Lately I’ve been trying to cut back on comic con appearances, to concentrate more on work and family. But hey—it’s Spain. Can’t pass that up.

The Price Increase That Wasn’t, or, “How the Hell Did *I* Get Blamed for This?”

So all of a sudden I was being asked from various sources about a price increase for “X-Factor.” I knew nothing about it. Eventually I traced the source of the rumor to a thread on Comic Book Resources, the website that I’d put in my rearview over a year ago because of the frequently toxic environment. There I discovered a lengthy thread keying off some sort of early solicit material that declared the price was now $3.99.