9 comments on “X-Factor #32 Comments Thread

  1. This particular story line has felt a lot like “Madrox Joins the Exiles,” with various cross-time capers. I suspect it will be more than that when all’s said and done — esp. with Tryp involved.

    “No more humans.” Wow.

    I loved the Iron Man / Cap Civil War-ish relationship redux. My biggest regret about this issue is that, like Madrox, we’re off somewhere else when it’s all over.

  2. I liked it. Really curious to see where all this is going, especially with Madrox being “dead” in 616 – not to mention that TWO of the universes he has visited now have had the “each dupe gets a different power” power. HhmmMMMmm?

    Still continues to be the most reliable X-book for quality (especially now that Carey is off Legacy).

    At this point…if not for X-Factor I probably wouldn’t even bother going to the comic store. So hey, there you go :).

  3. I’ve been enjoying this story a lot. I was really wondering is the only difference between this reality and 616 that ONE word? Or is Steve Rogers fundamentally a different person with a quicker temper? Would our Tony really do all this? I also thought it was funny that we see Steve as a cloaked figure climbing the building, but we see exactly who it is because he is plastered all over the cover. 😛

    1. I was surprised by the Steve Rogers reveal because I thought that was Cable on the cover. He’s be drawn with Cap shield emblems before, and he’s my first thought when I see a half-cyborg with a glowing eye.

  4. I’m thoroughly enjoying this storyline. The amount of story potential you’ve put into the two briefly-glimpsed alternate universes (really, I’d read the hëll out of a miniseries for each of them) is really impressive. I like having no clue how it’s going to wrap up and I like (as ever) the juxtaposition of Madrox’ deadpan monologue with the outlandish predicaments he finds himself in. Poor Jamie.

    While I’m here, I really enjoyed #230. All the banter and backbiting amongst the characters was great, and Wolverine’s scene with Layla was unexpectedly touching. I grinned at Jamie’s faith in his team getting right on the case and putting all their energies into finding him, when they’re all way too busy bickering.

  5. Peter: Great minds think a like… I ran my gaming group through ‘No More Humans World’ about a year ago. Only because Scarlet Witch used the same amount of energy activating people as she did activating them- and there are more people- the powers were oddly temporary leading to massive population drops from people falling from the sky, being stuck in the middle of objects, freezing to death in the ice armor that was find a ten minutes before, still being on fire when their human torching wore off, etc.

  6. I enjoyed reading the issue, and I’m glad to see Tryp back. I would like to see Madrox become a bit more of an active protagonist in this story. Granted all the dying and universe-hopping is disorienting, but he is a detective and he is dealing with one of the central mysteries about his powers. Hopefully he has more to do in issue #232, which I am very excited to read.
    Well, either that, or perhaps this story goes a lot deeper than I first thought. After the first issue of this arc, I expected this to be a massive story that brought closure to a lot of Madrox’s outstanding story threads. But with the comment in this issue about the barriers between worlds breaking down, which itself echoed a similar comment in the arc about Rahne’s baby, I’m starting to wonder if this is just another middle chapter in a much larger story that PAD is building. If that’s the case, (A) it’s very exciting, and (B) it helps to explain why this story isn’t quite as substantial as I expected going in.

  7. I know this doesn’t exactly reflect the latest “X-Factor” story (or maybe it does and we just haven’t gotten to that point yet) have a question that’s been on my mind regarding Madrox:

    Considering that he “creates/summons duplicates” of himself … is it possible for Jamie to be capable of utilizing his powers in an “unconventional way” by having himself and the “duplicates” to use the mental energies of a “shared mindset” thereby giving himself a sort of “mental advantage” in solving a really complex mathematic/scientific problem?” In the past, he more or less controlled the “dupes” when he still wore his original bodysuit and they basically followed his commands.

  8. I really like Maddrox’s musing in the prior issue — where he idly wondered if he was pulling his dupes from alternate timelines/dimensions. I thought that was a clever notion and would help explain how the Jamie’s are so wildly differnt from “Jamie Prime.”
    I still have a problem with the idea of Jamie Prime in general. I always preferred it when each Jamie was an exact copy of himslef. Each became thier own “jamie prime” for want of a better phrase. I suppose it more “interseting” to have each dupe have a diff personality — gives more dramatic variance, but I guess your mileage may vary.

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