Space (Between Comment Paragraphs) The Final Frontier

Yeah yeah yeah, so sue me, I’ve been busy. You’ve got them now. Enjoy.

And so ends those uncomfortable periods in our lives.

19 comments on “Space (Between Comment Paragraphs) The Final Frontier

  1. Our long national nightmare is over.

    I’ve found myself doing it in other places like facebook. people probably think it’s my “thing”, like those folks who dot their eyes with smiley faces or use the lower case i when they write I.

  2. * SNIFF! *

    I always dreamed that this magical day might arrive, but I never thought it would be in my lifetime. Now I can get back to waiting for the Cleveland Indians to win the World Series…

  3. Testing.



    Sibilance. Sibilance. Sibilance.

    Thank you, Peter and Glenn.

    Now if only we can make the commenting column/field wider…..

    1. and if we had some way of flagging which messages we’ve already read. When a topic gets 50+ messages deep, it’s hard to go through and just read the “new” ones

  4. Geez, Luigi, there you go with that Fan entitlement!

    (Okay, just kidding, having read the Fan/Pro thread moments ago…)

  5. Ah, now I can finally enjoy e.e. cummings where his work belongs — on PAD’s blog.





  6. I’ll just say, thank you, Glenn. And I’ll not continue the “one word per line” posts.

  7. “Space. It seems to go on and on forever. But then you get to the end and a gorilla starts throwing barrels at you.”
    –Philip J. Fry, FUTURAMA

  8. Are you sure this is a wise idea ? Cyber-space is full of creepy stuff, opening it mi….*Giant shark appears out of nowhere and eats innocent by-stander* I rest my case. I’m outta here ! *Runs away*

    1. To be fair though, if the by-stander was standing where a giant shark could appear, IE, the bottom of the ocean or a Spielberg movie, they get what they have coming to them.

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