
digresssmlOriginally published September 20, 1996, in Comics Buyer’s Guide #1192

There are those inside, and outside, of the industry, who view every superhero story as some sort of passionless, bloodless corporate creation. The conventional wisdom spouted is that those who involve themselves in such endeavors are mindless hacks: Heartless, soulless automotons who don’t care about anything except satisfying the monetary cravings of upper management’s insatiable need for making money.

How could anyone (it is often asked) actually like the day-to-day involvement with spandex clad fantasy figures? It’s a circular, self-contained argument: No one working in comics could really want to be working on corporate-owned superheroes; therefore, anyone working in that atmosphere must be working there against his will and is either to be pitied or held in contempt.

This is bull. It’s the conventional wisdom, but it’s bull nonetheless.

Sock Puppets in the Hands of an Angry God

Kathleen has been much more diligent in cleaning out sock puppet commenters than I have been; and she usually gets to them first. This is, on the whole, a good thing as she is much nicer than I am. But rest assured, if I find sock puppets commenting before any other admin does, woe be unto them, the day of wrath is come and their foot shall slip in due time.

There is nothing that keeps wicked men at any one moment out of hëll, but the mere pleasure of God.

Now go see if that groundhog sees his shadow or not. Won’t affect what I do, of course.

OK I am asking politely

This is Kathleen on Peter’s web log. As many of you know I am an administrator here on Peter’s site.

Among my any duties are dealing with things in the filter. I try to get to it about once a day and clear it out. Approving those things that just got stuck for some reason and getting rid of comments that don’t have anything to do with anything (Insert a chorus of Spam Spam Spam) here.

Now I have been noticing something that has been going on recently and I am watching it. Peter allows just about everyone to comment on things and allows for differing points of view to express their opinions. However, creating sock puppets to bolster your point/comments is not cricket here. You know who you are and I am asking in my most polite indoor voice to knock it off.

Thank you
Kath the Wife David

And to make this more palatable, I am going to open this thread to Ask the Wife and Ask Caroline questions if you have any. Caroline is excited about this so keep it polite and if your question doesn’t get answered, please understand that either she didn’t really have an answer or it is something I don’t want her to answer for whatever reason.