To the Moon Over “John Carter”

It’s easy to point out that, since I have several dogs in this hunt–namely I work for Disney and also wrote the *ahem* New York Times Bestseller graphic novel prequel, “World of Mars,” that I cannot approach the newly released “John Carter” in any sort of unbiased way. And that’s true. But not for the obvious reasons.

I’m going to be biased because when I was ten years old, throwing myself eagerly into the Edgar Rice Burroughs tales of Barsoom, there were nights–especially at the end of some VERY lousy days–where I would stand in the backyard and try to find the glittering red spot that was Mars against the blackened sky. And I would look up longingly, just as Carter had, and throw my arms wide, and wish desperately that I could leave my mortal body behind and find myself on Mars. There I would pal around with a four armed green guy, and a calot would be my pet, and I’d have a naked Martian girlfriend (yes, I thought that way at age ten. What can I say? I was precocious. Don’t tell ME gender preference isn’t ingrained.)

The BID Poll Revisited, part 2

digresssmlOriginally published December 6, 1996, in Comics Buyer’s Guide #1203

Picking up from last week, we’re following up on the But I Digress poll, conducted in these very pages four years ago. The original notion was for readers to predict the state of the comics industry a decade into the future. Since life is—to put it mildly—uncertain, I thought it might be worthwhile to take a look at how a passage of less than half a decade has affected the industry.