No Wonder Conservative Pundits have to Blame the Victim

Glenn Beck, Geraoldo Rivera and, I would think, other conservatives are trying to assert that Trayvon Martin was responsible for his own death. That either he had it coming because supposedly he was a criminal, or he was wearing a hoodie (which is one step removed from claiming that women brought sexual assault on themselves because of sexy attire.)

Naturally that’s the angle they’d have to take. Because if they blame the gunman, then in the de rigueur discussion of gun control laws which is sure to follow this incident, and which rarely leads anywhere since no one wants to pìšš øff the gun lobby since they’re, y’know, armed, then Beck, Rivera et al risk being portrayed as coming down on the wrong side of this favorite conservative issue. Because you’ll take their guns when you pry them from their cold, dead fingers.

You know…the kind of fingers Trayvon Martin has.

Meanwhile, Kath and I will apparently have to wear our hoodies at our own risk.