Comics review: A Touch of Silver

digresssmlOriginally published June 13, 1997, in Comics Buyer’s Guide #1230

Back when Image Comics first started up, I expressed the opinion in these pages that I felt, personally, a little disappointed over the choice of superheroes for the subject matter of the line. My point (and, as Ellen DeGeneres says, I do have one) was that other comic creators had broken away from Marvel and DC to produce comics that were wildly away from the norm of “the Big Two.” And that I felt an opportunity was being missed to expand the horizons of comic book readers who thought that guys in tights were the be-all/end-all of what comics could provide.

This sentiment was attributed all sorts of misinterpretations and (naturally) evil ulterior motives, when all it was was one dope with a column saying, in essence, “Gee, I’d just liked to have seen something different, that’s all.”